HackFS x HyperDapp recap

Karen Sheng
Published in
5 min readAug 4, 2022

HackFS by @ETHGlobal and @ProtocolLabs wrapped up last week. Over the span of 2.5 weeks, almost 1,000 participants from 81 countries across 16 time zones got together virtually to ideate and build innovative projects in web 3.0.

The HyperDapp team had the opportunity to be a sponsor and challenge provider at HackFS. In this article, we are going to showcase three projects that we awarded prizes for and explain what use cases these projects represent.

Best project submission using HyperDapp for generating frontends: QuantumOracle

QuantumOracle collapses wave functions of all the content that can be on a web2 server into a single state captured in decentralized storage, pinpointed at a moment in time together with its retrieval history, such as server DNS, timestamp, content hash, all that — combined, verified, and delivered with web3 technologies, have a lot more proving power than a mere picture that can be photoshopped in a matter of minutes. In other words, QuantumOracle preserves content to mitigate the risk of censorship or server failure.

The QuantumOracle team deployed their smart contract on Polygon and built & deployed their dApp with HyperDapp. The code could be viewed here. They subsequently embedded the dApp into a standalone website via an iframe.

Their UX design is quite interesting. When a user launches the app, they will be prompted to copy & paste an image URL. (The current MVP supports static images only.)

A URL for a picture of Elon Musk on a news site is entered here for this demo.

When the user clicks “VERIFY”, the image, as well as the dApp embedded with the iframe, will be loaded.

The Elon Musk screenshot and the dApp built with HyperDapp

Once the user connects their MetaMask, they will see the actual user interface of the dApp and be prompted to enter the relevant information to mint the screenshot as an NFT.

To quote Eugene T., the lead developer on the team:

“I only can compare this feeling with that after discovering Docker back then in times when easy to use containers were kinda new. All the scary mess full of inevitable trial and error for new web3js+MM users is 1. containerized or at least it looks like it’s meant to be containerized, and 2. It has a tiny definition in a language that I can read and understand without preparation, pretty sure I can write a bit of it after a tutorial or two. Not to forget the integrated minimalistic-just-what-you-need publishing and versioning system.”

Most innovative use of HyperDapp: Optik

We are really proud of the Optik team which was one of the top 10 finalists out of 197 HackFS submissions. In addition, they won 5 sponsored prizes, including one from HyperDapp.

Optik is a web3-enabled video-conferencing application. The platform provides a place for DAO contributors, teams, and groups to host meetings, online events, and more. Optik allows teams to set up public or allow list-only video conference calls, store recordings of these videos on IPFS, mint POAPs directly within the video conference, and more. XMTP is used to share invitations among meeting participants.

The Optik team built and deployed three dApps with HyperDapp, using their own “OPEN POAP” smart contract.

The dApp for creating OPEN POAPs

Dominic Hackett, the lead developer on the team, remarked that it would have taken him several days to build these dApps with the common tech stack in order to integrate web3 logic into the front-ends. With HyperDapp, it took him merely a few hours to get everything done. It freed up his time significantly so that he and his team were capable of building out the other core functionalities of the video-conference application.

Best use of HyperDapp with Defi: Waffy

Waffy is a decentralized non-custodial NFT lending protocol where users can participate as lenders or bidders. It is basically the Aave for NFTs, with a ‘seize’ feature to incentivize loan repayment.

The Waffy application has a customized front-end built with the common tech stack. However, it provides a link to the “seize loan” dApp built with HyperDapp on its landing page. It allows anyone to verify the code and web3 interactions enabled in the application. In addition, it makes it extremely easy for anyone to integrate this dApp into their own websites through an iframe.

Link to the dApp built with HyperDapp on the landing page of Waffy
The “Seize Loan” dApp built with HyperDapp

Waffy presents some really promising use cases for HyperDapp. HyperDapp is not limited to creating new dApps only.

  • A large number of existing DeFi or NFT platforms could potentially incorporate HyperDapp for building front-ends integrated with fully transparent and verifiable web3 logic (e.g. What smart contracts are being used? What functions in the contracts are being triggered?)

We are so impressed with these projects. By cutting down the time to prototype front-ends and build dApps by as much as 80–90%, HyperDapp allows developers to iterate and build out their ideas really fast in a low-risk environment.

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