Welcome to the hx blog

Amrit Santhirasenan
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2020

We do a lot of interesting things at hx and this is where we’ll be sharing some of our insights, opinions, experiments and more.

Who are we?

hx makes software to help people and businesses build, deploy and manage analytical models that work with small, sparse and fragmented datasets. These datasets don’t get as much press as their bigger “Big Data” siblings, but massive volumes of the world’s data falls into this category and we think it’s high time that they got the attention they deserve! Our product has broad applications, but our initial focus is in the financial sector; in particular, specialty insurance (the Lloyd’s and London Market) as it’s a sector the founders know well, having worked there for more than a decade.

Our mission means that hxers work and collaborate on a fascinating combination of fields:

  • Actuarial and data science
  • Software engineering covering the full spectrum of web application design
  • DevOps (particularly in the domains of Infra-as-Code and Infra-on-Demand)
  • UI, UX and DX work (including IDE development)
  • A fair chunk of theoretical computer science too (e.g. DSL design)

We are also building a business together, which presents many different but just as fun/complex challenges! In particular, our belief that technology can make people hyperexponentially more productive applies to our business as well as our product, so you can expect to hear about the engineering and automation adventures of our Operations Team as much as any other hxer.

What are we going to write about?

You can expect this blog to cover a variety of topics from the list above, with a few business/start-up posts thrown in for good measure. A mantra at hx is “you make it, you get to demo it”, so this blog is run by Team hx rather than a marketing team — please:

  • Expect an accordingly authentic style
  • Bear with us for any errors and omissions
  • Take any advice at your own risk, and note that blog posts may not represent the view or opinions of hx!

hx has been described before as a “hard tech startup”, which is great for us as we love working on hard problems where there isn’t an obvious or off-the-shelf solution.

Why are we doing this?

It’s this passion for problem-solving that underpins hx; Passion is one of our core values. When my co-founder Michael and I set up hx, we wanted to do more than make great things and hopefully shake up an industry — we wanted to create a place where the most enthusiastic and dedicated “geeks” would be given the support, tools and flexibility to do their greatest work. Hopefully this blog gives you an insight into how we collectively go about doing it!

If you want to:

  • Learn more about any of these projects, or contribute where possible
  • Find out more about hx and the really cool things we are working on
  • Find out about our events and engagement with the engineering, actuarial and insurance communities

then please reach out at hello@hyperexponential.com. We are always on the lookout for great people, and always up for a chat about the things we are working on!


(Co-founder, CEO, actuary, hx’s first React developer, and extremely beginner Clojure hacker)

