How to Promote Yourself Online as a Fitness Trainer

Tips for gaining more clients

Hyperhuman Team
4 min readMar 19, 2021


You perfected your personal training skills, you know exactly what your existing fitness clients want and what motivates them, but how do you get more new clients? Many coaches struggle with this aspect of their job and find it even a little bit daunting.

There’s no complex philosophy involved actually, all you have to do is to be confident enough to show yourself and your video workouts to the world. We are here to help you out in your coaching career, so we put together some easy to follow tips to increase your visibility:

1. Find your niche

Before promoting yourself to the world, you should have a very clear understanding of your top skills as a trainer and the category of clients that would be interested in your offering. It’s like having the product itself and the packaging ready before putting it in the right aisle of the supermarket. Find your niche and be where your clients need you or where they expect you to be.

Evaluate your work so far and question yourself: Where does your true passion stand? In which training area can you really make a difference? What types of clients did you help to obtain the best results? You might excel at working with overweight clients or you might do best when training elderly people or when coaching athletes.

2. Put yourself out there

Don’t be shy and don’t be afraid to make mistakes! Put yourself out there on social media and experiment with the type of content you create. If you’re proud of a video workout you made, don’t overthink whether to post it online or not! See how people react to it and keep it up or try something else if the results are not what you have expected. What’s the worst thing that can happen? Your video becomes viral for the wrong reasons or people simply ignore your social media post. Better out there and visible to potential clients than hidden inside your shell.

Nevertheless, make sure to create a clean and updated profile on your preferred social media channels or on those online platforms where your niche clients might spend time. You can put up a Youtube channel, share updates on your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok or even on LinkedIn. Your clients will certainly look you up online and these platforms also help you reach new clients. Many times, potential clients are drawn to the trainer’s personality and charm that shows behind their social media presence. Besides being a good professional, remember to be yourself, be human and share your experience online.

As a sneak peek of our upcoming Hyperhuman app, we are working on making the process of sharing your video workouts to your clients and to your social media easier than you could have ever imagined. Stay tuned and subscribe on our website to be one of the first trainers to find out about our amazing features.

3. Offer free demo sessions

How can your potential clients decide if you are the right fit for them if they don’t know what you have to offer? Show them firsthand what your workouts are all about by opening free demo sessions every once in a while. Let your existing clients know about these so they can invite any of their friends to a trial class and also promote the demo session everywhere you can online. The effort and time you put in these free classes will pay off in the end.

A good incentive never killed anyone, so make sure to offer different perks to your first time clients or give some special benefits to your existing clients who are bringing in new people. We all work out better with a training buddy so you could offer discounts or bonus training hours to clients who come with a friend.

Also, encourage your clients to review your workouts on their social media channels or ask their permission to feature them on your profile. Nothing is more effective at gaining new clients than a happy current client.

4. Be present in the community

A little cheeky trick to increase your visibility is to always be where the action is. We are talking about infiltrating yourself in relevant online communities and groups. People complain a lot online and every issue they might have is also the topic of a Facebook group. Be the solution to your potential clients’ problems by commenting on their posts and by answering their questions. Give suggestions and show your expertise when needed.

Based on your niche target audience, assure that you are present where they are, so you have a better understanding of their challenges and their needs and be the first trainer to jump in the conversation. Follow specific hashtags on social media to keep updated in your line of work. Spying on what the competition is doing can’t hurt either! Follow your fellow trainers to see what they are up to and always stay one step ahead of them.

5. Create quality content

The best business card of any professional from any domain of activity is the quality of the work they provide. Let your workouts shine through high quality video content that you can present on multiple online channels.

Achieving studio quality videos doesn’t mean you require professional recording equipment or advanced filmmaker skills. All you need is an accomplice app to help you do the hard work. Our Hyperhuman app does exactly that, transforming the video content that you simply record with your own phone into new customized workouts for your clients.

We hope you’ll find it easier to promote yourself online after going through these tips. Once applied, these easy steps should really open a new world of potential clients and help you live up to your full potential as a trainer. For more advice on how to become the best you, follow us on social media and register on our Hyperhuman website.

