18 Pieces of Advice For An 18-year-old Startup Founder — Twitter Thread

“The stuff that nobody tells you”

Derick David


Image: Derick David/Saira Ashraf

Starting a venture can be hard. What makes it particularly harder is when you do it at a young age. While we can all agree on this, starting at a young age can extremely be fulfilling because the sooner and younger you get into the playing field, the more you get to understand the ins and outs of the game.

Image: Saira Shraf

An 18-year-old startup founder, Saira Ashraf posted on Twitter a few weeks back asking the Twitterverse of entrepreneurs what sort of “startup advice” would they give an 18-year-old version of themselves.

The tweet.

Image: Twitter/ Saira Ashraf

With a little sense of mystery, she adds,

“The stuff nobody tells you”

The tweet has gathered hundreds of responses from all over the world, including people who have raised millions, if not billions for their own ventures.

The tweet resulted in…



Derick David

1M+ views. Seen at Forbes. 10x Top Writer in Technology, Innovation, and Design. https://twitter.com/jeazous