2019–2020 Hyperion Annual Report

Hyperion SG
Published in
7 min readJan 6, 2020

Dear Community,

We appreciate your firm support throughout last year. 2019 has been a tough year, as well as a year of opportunity for blockchain practitioners and participants. The recession of blockchain market is not over yet, and we must better equip ourselves to fight for an even more unpredictable global economic recession in 2020. Our team has been working nonstop last year to empower our community members to build a solid foundation for the future of Hyperion map ecosystem via map products. Now we have introduced PoH consensus protocol, HYN economic model, Map3 network, Titan Map App in the ecosystem, and our MainNet is expected to be launched around Sep 2020. However, we can’t achieve this without a strong community.

Many noticed Hyperion project early out of curiosity and expectations of the blockchain + map model, but so far more than 4000 people worldwide have deployed Map3 nodes and contributed map data to truly build up the decentralized map ecology with trust. Kai’s Talk broadcasted 35+ live streams in 2019, attracting over 33,794 viewers and 1,100+ YouTube subscribers. Community members are following us everywhere, on Medium, Twitter, Telegram for project updates, and to accumulate knowledge of the rapid-growing blockchain technology and market trend. One of the key features about blockchain is, regardless of nationalities, class, specialties, it creates a relatively equal environment for all participants to contribute to the network and get economic rewards within decentralized consensus.

The future of decentralized map.

The cutting-edge blockchain applications include social networks, online search, De-Fi, and map, which aims to maximize the scalability, efficiency, or security for the industry that has a decentralized nature. For instance, map industry is typical of decentralized features, and Hyperion can solve the pain point of the traditional map industry. Firstly, 70% of the Internet services we often use rely heavily on location data, such as Uber, TripAdvisor, and Airbnb. However, the geo-location data is incredibly huge and scattered for any centralized organization to collect completely and update in-time. By contrast, decentralized map technology allows any individuals to update and verify map data in the distributed network, and distribute the value of data to the contributors. Secondly, centralized map companies charge a high request fee of map data, which simply becomes too high for a map-based SME to survive. Thirdly, geographic location exposes lots of details, which is enough for a third-party to track personal identity. Centralized institutions are notorious for selling these data in exchange for profits.

Recently, the Times Privacy Project obtained a dataset with more than 50 billion location pings from the phones of more than 12 million people in this country. It was a random sample from 2016 and 2017, but it took only minutes with assistance from publicly available information to deanonymize location data and track the whereabouts of President Trump. Allow companies to access your location data? Just too risky….

Let’s see a set of data to overview the current map market.

Baidu Map’s average daily location service request exceeded 120 billion times, served more than 500,000 mobile applications, and 319 million monthly workers;

The average daily location service request of Autonavi Map also exceeded 100 billion, with over 118 million daily active users and 346 million monthly active users. It has become a duopoly with Baidu Map in China;

Tencent maps have an average daily location service request of 60 billion, and rely on mainstream applications such as WeChat and Didi to have more than 800 million users per day;

Google Maps has more than 1 billion users worldwide, and its revenue in 2019 will reach about 2.95 billion US dollars, which will become another major source of revenue in addition to search engine and YouTube.

If we review the past decades according to generations of Internet technologies, we can see how blockchain has upgraded the network scalability extensively. The number of devices existed in the computer network in the 1990s were just 100 million; the number of devices in the desktop Internet era in 2000 were more than 1 billion; and that number in the mobile Internet in 2010 were more than 10 billion. In 2020, that number in decentralized network will outgrow 100 billion. The decentralized map network creates and maintains the value in data via crowd-source, crowd-share, and crowd-govern, and encourages all participants to break the monopoly of intermediaries.

OSM (Open Street Map) has more than 5 million volunteer map contributors without any economic incentives, while as the pervasiveness of AI and the IoT, decentralized location data will feed drones and unmanned driving to provide secure and precise services in future smart cities. Hyperion Blockchain inherits the great features of OSM, but increases the sustainability of the ecosystem with economic rewards for contributors. Furthermore, with strong cryptographic primitives, signal data such as GPS, Bluetooth, WIFI are collected, filtrated and encrypted for location purposes instead of personal details to protect individual privacy.

In 2018, Hyperion team set a clear goal and figured out a Road Map to guide us towards One Map destination. In 2019, we successfully achieved the annual plan while battling with the market recession, and has set our ambition for the next year. From Map3 decentralized map service network, Titan privacy map App, HYN economic model, PoH consensus mechanism, to the upcoming ATLAS chain in 2020, the full panorama of Hyperion is revealing itself. As we always believe, Hyperion can go future together with the community’s full support.

Product Map

✔ March Opened Map3 edge node deployment

✔ April Launched Titan Privacy Map

✔ May launch Titan encrypted navigation function

✔ June Map3 was upgraded to the world’s first decentralized service network supporting Https

✔ July Increased Map3 Store personalized map layer service in Titan

✔ October Released HYN economic model

✔ November Released updated version of Titan privacy map

✔ December Released PoH hybrid consensus protocol

✔ December launched Titan map data contribution


✔ Founding member of Google’s location service team, Google Map service early contributor, Dr. Arunesh Mishra officially joins Hyperion — the biggest global decentralized map ecosystem(Hyperion Blockchain) — as Chief Engineer. Dr. Mishra has been working at Google for ten years, most recently as Senior Software Engineer in location team.

✔ Hyperion officially announces the mutual partnership with Harmony, a decentralized platform for scaling consensus, to upgrade the decentralized map infrastructure as scalable, stable, and secure for 10 billion of map users.

✔ Hyperion announced new partnership with Lik On Security Limited — a subsidiary of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited (SHKP), which provides world-class security services and innovative technology solutions. The partnership is committed to R&D cooperation in privacy map technologies to be applied in one-stop premium quality security solution; new security map based on advanced cryptographic protocol and decentralized data layers, as well as other applications to increase business value based on Location-based-services (LBS).

The PoH consensus mechanism, as the underlying infrastructure, strictly maintains a cooperative approach to a decentralized community structure, to ensure that participants can smoothly work together to jointly promote the development of map ecology, no matter what roles they play. In order to figure out the biggest contributors and encourage them to stay, Hyperion designed a reasonable reward and punishment mechanism to make sure those who contribute the most to the network get highest return, while punish evil behaviors to secure the network.

We can imagine Hyperion as a skyscraper without physical entity, land, developers, property or power companies. Architects are scattered around the world to build it distantly and get benefits from the value it creates. These architects — the blockchain developers, financial investors, currency holders or map users — share one common goal, that is to build the “Babel Tower” — ONE MAP of the human world map.

We look forward to seeing you in 2020. Thanks!



Hyperion SG

Hyperion launches a blockchain-based open mapping architecture to decentralize mapping. Find out more ,please check our website www.hyn.space