How to Be a Blockchain Master

Hyperion SG
Published in
11 min readAug 14, 2019

Each success has a reason behind.

People were talking about Justin Sun recently, who cancelled the “super expensive” lunch with Warren Buffett. While others were discussing whether he might become a 2nd Yueting Jia in cryptocurrency world, I prefer to say that he has done much more than the other 90s generation.

I have no further comment about Justin Sun or Tron. As for me, there’s no correct or wrong answer. Everyone knows TRX was an air token in earliest stage, which proved its true technological value after purchasing BitTorrent. Then we all witnessed Justin Sun’s high-profile announcement of the lunch with Warren Buffett, including his later apologies for the sudden cancellation claim.

I do not have any personal relationship with Justin Sun, neither did I know him well. I tend to summarize three points from the whole issue, 1. Sun is a marketer and he gained his fame from building hype 2. He did a lot to educate the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain; 3. Sun came from a small village, and he depended on himself to be exposed to the world stage. I heard that he often works on Sundays

There’s an old saying, fake it until you make it. If we rethink about whether Yueting Jia made wrong decisions. Well, I can only say in adult’s world, we see profits.

Yueting might not encounter current difficulties if leshi survived during economic recession. I personally do not know Yueting Jia either, nor do I know how he faced the changing market. However, everyone gives a shove to a falling wall. Each successful story has a reason behind. No one can predict what the future will end until the time arrives.

The early Chinese entrepreneurs in the 90s all started from small “grey zone” business trades. For instance, the real-estate giant Zhiqiang Ren started from a commission broker. For those who holds “special” resources, luck and relations is vital?

Every era and each industry can accomplish a unique story and important figure. But no one can beat the time. What is the time? The so-called time is neither a rose nor a friend, but a Cressu beast born in the ancient times, entrenched in the universe for hundreds of billions of years. When you look up at the stars, the stars are also overlooking you; when you stare into the abyss, the abyss is looking back at you.

Let’s go one step further and discuss whether the British and European achievements came from the early atrocity by the Eight-Power Allied Forces in early primitive accumulation? But today’s veteran capitalist countries in Europe try to “educate” us about “civilization.” What about the United States? U.S’s early capital was accumulated when Europeans ran to rob the Indians of the land. Today, we realize that the original word “loot” is synonymous to “American Dream.” There is essentially no difference.

History never judges right or wrong. If everyone who advocated bitcoin when it just appeared in the past was wrong? Perhaps another digital currency would have substituted the status of today’s bitcoin. Then the so-called current big figures have to be replaced. In fact, before the emergence of Bitcoin, e-money appeared. Who knows where the supporters are now?

Whether you like Justin Sun can’t help you earn more money, since his world has nothing to do with you.

No one can clearly see themselves in front of time. Even the occasional luck will eventually be attributed to its own strength. As Buffett’s famous saying: only when the tide recedes will you know who is a naked swimmer. The failures of many people are doomed, because at the beginning of the story, they did not see their actual position, so they would not know their ceilings.

See the height

To see your position, you should have seen what is height.

Many people say they want to make investments and earn money, but how many people have actually seen large amount of money? The famous Internet celebrity in the digital currency industry, Da Kongyi, invested 100,000 CNY to buy IOTA, which rose 50,000 times in four years. Da Kongyi only sold 1/5 of it. Do you think he’s very predictive? At least from my point of view, yes. It’s not easy to buy IOTA, let alone he held it for such a long time. If you think he is amazing, then let’s look at Li Xiaolai who holds six-digit amount of bitcoin. How much luck he needs to have such a blessing? These people are awesome, right?

I met the chairman of Zhengwei International Group, Mr. Wenyin Wang, very occasionally a decade ago. At that time, he was defined by Times Magazine as Asia’s most creative leader alongside Li Ka-shing. Mr. Li Ka-shing was 70 years old when his net worth achieved more than 100 billion CNY. While Mr. Wang Wenyin already worth more than 100 billion when he was 40 years old. Why the public knows little about it? Just because none of his subsidiaries was listed.

Mr. Wang Wenyin once told me that he graduated from Shenzhen in the early 1990s with little money in his pocket. He slept in cement pipes at night and looked for work during the day. First, he went to a factory in Japan that produced sockets as a sales person. Within a year, he was promoted to seventh level and became the vice president of sales. When the sales target for the year was set at 200 million yuan, he told the boss that he wanted a one-point commission for a total sales volume of more than 200 million yuan. The boss promised that, and he completed 500 million sales volume that year. In the second year, the sales target was set at 500 million. He told the boss that if he achieved more than 500 million of sales volume, he wanted a commission of 2 points. The boss promised that he did 1 billion that year. In the third year, the sales target was set at 1 billion. He told the boss that he would achive more than 1 billion, and he wanted 3 points commission.

The boss was surprised that this market value could exceed one billion, but he insisted. During the third year, Wang and his assistant drove a car in turn for business. During the day, Wang went for sales and his assistant slept. During the night, the assistant drove the car and he sleeps in the car for the next city. It took him a year outside for business, barely had time to return Shenzhen. Finally the annual sales volume reached 2 billion.

This way, he accumulated capital, market and network in three years to be self-reliant. In the first year of his start-up business, he almost slept in the company every day. In 1995, he was worth more than 100 million. In the financial crisis of 1997, he was sensitive to the fact that copper price would rise. Yes, it is the copper that I talked about in “What is the next 100,000 x cryptocurrency?” Copper is the basic element for the production of socket plug wires and cables, and all other electronic devices.

Therefore, he did not produce products and directly stored copper. This decision was opposed by everyone in the company. Even a group of executives threatened to resign. What’s the results of it? As he expected, copper price skyrocketed and soon worth more than 1 billion. That is when he saw the opportunity of industrial expansion and began to move his focus from products to upstream. During the period of SARS in 2003, when China’s mineral resources prices were at its lowest, he used all the assets and leverage to acquire all of China’s large copper mines. After the SARS, this total value exceeded 10 billion.

Before and after the global financial crisis in 2008, he had already acquired copper mines around the world with national leaders, and today he has monopolized global copper resources. By that time, he told me that he was the first person on earth to make stones from products and opened up the entire industrial chain. On earth, there are his companies wherever there is a country. After that, the value exceeded 100 billion.

I met with Mr. Wang Wenyin for the first time at a dinner with high-level leaders. This is the first time I saw the “mountains” in my life. The ultimate success and vision of a person is inseparable from his character. The second meeting was at the breakfast of a hotel. When he sat down, he did two things: The first one was that he told me that from now on, he can only give me 20 minutes to discuss what I want to talk to him; The second is that he took out a notebook to take notes.

Details make a difference. A person’s clear concept of time and diligence often determines his future height.

The third time we met was a night talk. He talked me through all his experience from so many years. What impressed me the most was that he mentioned: Never be a follower. Leaders and followers are naturally two kinds of people. But being a leader is destined to dig out a different path from others step by step, without any reference. None of the successes can be copied.

This requires you to be focused enough and learn to reject temptations. Like him, he only works with copper-related industries. In fact, resources can reach a certain level to make money whatever you do. But he has merely insisted on one area. For example, in minerals, except for copper mines, others he did not even consider. Not to mention the real estate industry which has nothing to do with copper. His aim was not to earn money in every business, but also to leave space for others to earn money. This is the true vison.

How to stick to your opinions when everyone opposes it is very difficult, you must be persistent, strong enough, and powerful enough for thousands of arrows. Only one valuable skill can help you throughout the whole process. This skill is imagination. Only imagination can travel through time to let you see what will happen in the future, and return to today to make decisions that transcend your predecessors.

Jack Yun, Pony Ma, and Li Ka-shing, the leaders who grew up with us, are all so defeated by the Cthulhu beast — time.

See yourself

Only when you have seen the mountains will you know who you are. Only by knowing who you are, can you choose the right decisions and judgments that suit you.

I visited a remarkable person a few days ago. I wouldn’t be exaggerating to compare him as master of Tai Chi in the financial world. A real master relies on his charisma instead of sword. The master once told me: everyone has their own advantages. From my personal experience, I never lost money in investment so far. How can it be possible not to make profits from investment?

But he couldn’t understand why anyone would wish to make money by doing business? He personally believed that businessman are liars. The master has experienced rise and fall for at least 16 times in his life, and his net worth plunged from billions to zeros. Every time when doing business, he lost money, but he could earn it all back by borrowing to invest in secondary market.

He is the only one I have ever seen, that just saw a news about the change of Sino-U.S trade negotiator in TV news, then immediately realized the future rise and fall of CNY and USD, oil futures trading, Baltic index and A-share/US stocks, and the trend of investment products. In his eyes, everything in the world is no more than a “trap”. While others only saw the phenomenon, he figured out the logic behind. Just like Nio, the hero in the Matrix movie, while he figured out the 01 code, others just saw the appearances.

Success in business requires wisdom to see through people’s mind, knowing the world, but obviously he can’t do it. It’s due to his personality. There is no end to learning. There are always other more capable men. In the end, personality determines fate. Follow the trend, and you’ll gain fortune that matches your personality.

See the world

No individuals can survive in isolation. Everyone has his/her own limits. Why you need to visit more masters? Knowing others’ capabilities will help us figure what our advantages are, and whether we can reach or transgress them.

Transgress the masters to see the world.

The so-called transcendence does not necessarily mean to transcend one’s fortune or power, since it’s limitless. The practical thing to do is transgress yourself. How can we keep calm no matter how the news or market fluctuations tell? It requires a process of self-cultivation.

The short-term impact of an event is easy to magnify, while long-run essence of things is easy to ignore. For example, the U.S SEC is going to hold a hearing on Tether. Someone regard it as the U.S version of 94th event. In the short run, everyone will feel panic. However, if we think thoroughly, will Americans buy bitcoin with USDT? Of course not, Americans will buy bitcoin with USD. Do you think the event will affect digital currency in the long run?

It will. In the long-term, everyone will realize that US government is worthless in the world of bitcoin and digital currency. A government that relies on the over-issue of credit currency to maintain its survival and says that the smart contract credit system that cannot be changed by the machine network rules is a liar, and it is simply ridiculous.

And when all the entrepreneurs find out how U.S government is vulnerable to Bitcoin, they will use their money to vote, uprise to substitute USD with digital currency, or migrate to blockchain infrastructure system.

I have been repeatedly saying that there is no master in this era. As species evolve faster, and machine develops to be more intelligent, each wave will generate new opportunities. Maybe a few people will rise in the era for a short time, but few will survive from the wave, and barely no one can transgress the times.

Of course, every country, every individual has its own capabilities and destiny. Whether you can see or transgress the masters, the plot may have already been written from the beginning. There are many positions left for “big figures” in this world. Who you want to be? The decision is yours.

See everyone

There are very few people who can transgress the cycle. The fact that Yip Man can be a master has nothing to do with his martial arts techniques. It is related to the era, his life experience, and his personality. Being famous is not important. It’s difficult to stay famous after death.

Just like Internet world always requires one to think as in final battlefield. Blockchain world is much faster. Most projects target short-term benefits rather than long-term ones. A project’s vision determines how it will end, and imagination determines its ceiling point.

Very few projects have the opportunity to see the height, not to mention if they can see everyone. This is like playing an infinite war in the Marvel movie of The Avengers. Dr. Stranger crossed 14 million parallel universes to see that there’s only one chance to beat Thanos. It is extremely difficult to take the road which no one has stepped on before. The key is to refuse temptation, give up short-term interests, and aim at the final battlefield. Only a true believer can succeed, because he can see the future beyond the repetitive cycle.

I believe HYN wants to gamble the 1/14 million chance. Even though no one can guarantee what will happen in future. The blockchain is still at very early stage, and people need faith to imagine the future ahead when they’re in deserts.

I want to try it.



Hyperion SG

Hyperion launches a blockchain-based open mapping architecture to decentralize mapping. Find out more ,please check our website