Hyperion Launched the First-ever Blockchain-based RP (Red Pocket )

Hyperion SG
Published in
7 min readDec 2, 2020

HRC30 and RP

Hyperion is happy to announce the first-ever blockchain-based RP (Red Pocket ). Being the first applicable case based on the Atlas on-chain distribution model, HRC 30 fostered a growth of a Decentralized-Market (DeMa) in years to come. The first trial version opens to Hyperion community members to convert HYN for RP to get lucky money. We will further perfect RP functions in the following months.

Who will benefit from the HRC 30 standard?

LBS Location Based Service is currently in high demand, given over 70% of mobile applications show strong tendencies and reliance on accurate location information. Increasing numbers of service providers are providing O2O service to the mass market while leveraging precise POI and user positions. Businesses have paid substantial commission fees to centralized map providers in exchange for accurate map service. Uber itself has made a payment of nearly $60 million to Google map in 3 years. There are thousands of more enterprises out there who share a similar demand; they would expect to do the same. In the meantime, we see a continual growth in the market when IoT is leading the future. The value of such a commercial database is promising.

Decentralized mapping service is thereby introduced, enabling businesses to acquire information with a much lower cost when all other things being equal. HRC 30 is a chain-based standard. Originated from the decentralized mapping service, aims to standardize and regulate behaviour in the Mapping ecosystem, providing a transparent, accurate and safe transaction foundation.

Decentralized projects built on Hyperion Ecosystem: Businesses operators like Uber and Meituan, are expected to see alternation. In line with the HRC 30 standard, developers could build decentralized applications to address the market demand in time,with little or no commission fees.

Users: Within the HRC 30 ecosystem, information becomes more transparent. Users can get better access to business while having privacy maintained. In the meantime, information gap should place no harm to users.


  1. The total supply of RP is 1 million. 1,000,000
  2. No Pre-mining
  3. No Presale
  4. Tradable on HSwap (Stay tuned…)
  5. 12% of RP are kept for HYN conversion
  6. The rest of 88% of RP is issued as airdrops. Airdrop lasts for 360 days, no restock In between. The remaining RP would otherwise be burned

Convert between RP and Staking

A 90 days lock-up period is required for HYN staking. [Note: such a process does not affect HYN holding amount] The acquirable RP is released averagely in the upcoming 15 days. Every 1,000 HYN can redeem 3 RP as one conversion unit. Each conversion requires at least one conversion unit.

The redeem rate of conversion units and RP decrease in a rate of 5% when every 2000 converts finished. This is set to maintain a gross 2000K of HYN staking in each transactional period.

Calculations showed:

Initial redeem rate: one conversion unit = 3RP

2nd redeem rate:

3* 0.95= 2.85RP one conversion unit = 2.85 RP

3rd redeem rate: 2.85 *0.85 = 2.7075 RP

RP in different forms:

Ideas explain: Red Pocket has long been seen as a tradition that brings good luck to receivers. Distribution approaches have integrated from solely offline to mostly online. Through open, repose and share, blessing spreads out and reaches to a greater range. Users receive and open RP pro rata to the opening rule sheet on each level

  1. Lucky draw:

RPs are sent out randomly six times per day. Begin with 00.00(GMT+8) update every 4 hours, finish at 24:00. Selection of winner: random chance drawings will select winners at the lucky draw. RPs will be sent out evenly to the 30% of participants respectively, across all six gives out.

The aggregate amount made up of the Fixed amount plus Gains.

Fixed amount: 1000 RP per day. Amounts diminish in a rate of 50 RP of one period. One period equals 20 days.

Gains: 1 % of the accumulated burning capacity since Day 0 till yesterday 24:00 (a day before the settlement date).

2. Constant Giveaway:

RP gives out one time per day, at 00.00(GMT+8). Begin on the 7th day after the Lucky draw starts. A total amount of 100 RPs is shared by participants(on the rolling basis) on the same level. All levels follow the same.

3. Promotion gives out:

The system allocates RP to the referrer of the ready-to-proceed candidates/ participants. The gives out for the promotion shall not be repetitive. If player progress and leapfrog the ranking, its referrer receive accumulate bonus/ RP

Gives out follow as below:

Null → Level A; 3 RP

Level A → Level B; 8 RP

Level B → Level C; 20RP

Level C → Level D; 30RP

Level D → Level E; 40RP

Level B -> Level D; 50RP (20+30)

Level C-> Level E; 70 RP (30+40)

Players are encouraged to welcome and take in new participants, form an organic circle. If no invitation happens, the system will randomly assign a Level 4 or above referrer to the newcomer.

Reminder: the candidate who is qualified and ready to proceed to the next level does not receive the rewards, only the referrer does.

Level: A<B<C<D<E

Rules of unleashing/opening/acquiring RP (0 take ; 1st take ; 2nd take ):

*Exclusive to Promotion Give-out

- Circular opening: After 1st take, the remaining part goes to the referrer. The process continues until no referrer can be found, the remaining portion goes to burning.

- L-shape opening:

*Applicable to lucy draw and promotion gives out .

Let’s hypothesize Level X is where Participant A locates.

(The L-shape refers to a two-way RP openings approaches, one named vertical opening, the other named horizontal opening)

- Number of openings goes no more than twice per level. Each individual enjoys a one time opening opportunity on A level.

- If participant yet to open the 1st take on X Level , A shall continue opening the 1st take on other levels, which is no higher than X Level . (Vertical opening)

- If the 1st take on X Level is opened, Participant A could move on to the 2nd take (Horizontal opening)

  • If participant A figure out the 1st take is opened, which is done by a participant on a higher level(including but not limited to only one level above ), it makes A unable to open this RP. A should move forward and seek for another RP.

How to Level Up?

  1. The players should meet both requirements of required burning quantity and holding quantity before level-up. To upgrade from a lower to a higher level, players have to burn required burning quantity RP for higher level minus cumulative burnt quantity. For example, to level up from Level B to Level D, when Y=5%, the players have to burn 157.5–21=136.5RP
  2. If the players withdraw RP and casuse a drop, required burning amount for level-up is 50%.
  3. If the players drop due to the increase of “Y”, they don’t have to burn extra RP as long as they meet required holding quantity.

See Promotion Gives-out as an example

Demonstration of scenarios of RP openings.

See Lucky Draw as an example

Explanations for each step (From left to right )

  1. 1–8%. This result can be deducted as follows. A Level participant snatches an RP, which is brand new, yet to open. So the participant manages to have the 1st take.
  2. 1–1.6%. This result can be deducted as follows. A Level participant snatches an RP, in which the 1st take is opened by others (from X Level or below), leaving the 2nd take unopened. The participant could own the 2nd take.
  3. 2–35%. This result can be deducted as follows. B Level participants snatch an RP, which is brand new, yet to open. So the participant manages to have the 1st take.
  4. 2–7%. This result can be deducted as follows. B Level participants snatch an RP, in which the 1st take is opened by others(from X Level or below), leaving the 2nd take unopened. The participant could own the 2nd take.
  5. 2–0% means there isn’t any opening chance left for this particular RP. Remember, the number of openings goes no more than twice per level.
  6. 3–20%.This result can be deducted as follows. C Level participants snatch an RP, which is brand new, yet to open. So the participant manages to have the 1st take.
  7. 2–0%. This result can be deducted as follows. Participant from B Level is incapable of opening this particular RP as someone from a higher level does the 1st take.
  8. 2–0% means there isn’t any opening chance left for this particular RP. Remember, the number of openings goes no more than twice per level.



Hyperion SG

Hyperion launches a blockchain-based open mapping architecture to decentralize mapping. Find out more ,please check our website www.hyn.space