Hyperion Weekly Quiz Report — Map3 & Titan

Hyperion SG
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2020

Dear community,

In last two weeks, we focused on the two most difficult topics — economic model and PoH consensus mechanism, since they cover the most frequently raised questions from our communities, hope that we helped clarify some of your confusions. If you have any further questions, just feel free to leave us a message via Twitter or Telegram, or share our cool project with your friends!

This week, we’ll move on to discuss Hyperion decentralized map products — Map3 and Titan.

Why is Map3 and Titan so critical, as compared to the fundamental blockchain infrastructures?

Beyond blockchain technology, consensus protocol and economic incentive structure, Map3 and Titan enable all to see what a decentralized map ecosystem offers as a service. As developers and nodes keep enriching the map data and service distribution network, users will able to see more POIs on Titan map, use improved searching and navigation service and map dApps, and complete service transactions underpinned by smart contracts. In short, just like what browser is to the Internet, Titan and Map3 connect blockchain map ecosystem with all.

What are the requirements to run a Map3 node? And what are the main benefits it offers?

The network is open to everyone and everywhere. Anyone can spin up a node in 5 mins. Visit https://map3.network for documents to run a Map3 node. It supports keyless node deployment now. You can see Map3 in action at https://titan.map3.network .

Map3 is built on total decentralized infrastructures. It can run your laptop, a cloud instance, or the NAS machine at your home. All services are transactions of accessing services are verified anonymously through strong cryptographic strong primitives. Any network request will be routed randomly and unpredictably throughout the network.

The backend of the data and service is provided by our decentralized map3 service network. The service will get better over time with more Map3 nodes in different regions of the world. Running a Map3 node can earn service rewards after our Mainnet launch.

Map3 nodes are rewarded for their PoW on Map3 layer. Node initiator and delegator will divide the reward pro-rata to their staking amount. In this case, HYN holders are encouraged to stake/initiate more Map3 nodes over the scaling cycle to increase service rewards, which also improves service quality and network security. On Atlas layer, Map3 nodes can share Atlas rewards via re-staking mechanism. Check the Map3 reward details here.

Since all the data is on the blockchain, is it possible that an unknown person can locate me if I use the Titan maps? How do you keep users safe?

Titan users don’t need to worry about privacy leakage when using Titan. Titan is the first ever truly privacy-aware map application built on strong cryptographic primitives, which requires no user personal information to activate its in-built map services.

All map functions such as positioning and searching are computed locally at the phone. Your location trace will never leave your phone and you have the power to burn them all with just one click. Through our cryptographic library, you can even share a location to your friend with no other intermedia platforms learning where you are and where you want to go.

Titan wallet’s private location sharing feature looks really interesting. How it actually works? It guarantees absolute, 100% privacy?

Firstly, the cryptographic location share decrypts location information, and enables a public key to substitute user identity. Users just need to create an account in Titan wallet and get the unique wallet address (public key) as personal identity to send or receive messages from others. With the address, even no third Titan users will be able to decrypt the location message. Secondly, no location trace will leave your phone. Any history/record of your location search or pin point will be erased with one-click immediately after use.

A new version Titan wallet was just launched and binds map + wallet economy, what are the special features of this wallet? and what is the function of $HYN in the Hyperion ecosystem?

In addition to providing an immutable consensus of general account states, we also index the global spatial information. Just like how Ethereum/Bitcoin keep a merkle hash root of all account status in the header of every block, we also store a merkle root of all spatially-indexed data on the block header. The single root is an overall representation of the “world state” of spatial data (map data). Spatial data can be naturally encoded with a tree-based structure (for interested readers, https://github.com/google/s2geometry) and thus can be compressed and verified through merkle proof. This makes our blockchain spatial-native and different natively from other blockchain systems.

With HYN token, we’re able to adopt a healthy market mechanism to boost a “predictable” development of ecosystem by balancing the supply-demand of token amount, as well as incentivizing user contributions to the decentralized network with token economic mechanism for increasing map data and service.



Hyperion SG

Hyperion launches a blockchain-based open mapping architecture to decentralize mapping. Find out more ,please check our website www.hyn.space