The New Age Ecommerce Platform

Peerion offers a refreshingly new interactive gamified workflow

9 min readJan 31, 2019


Gamification: The application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to real world activities.

Entering the playing field

As a new peer, you will first be prompted to sign up and link your wallet. Kabba (Peerion’s Artificial Neural Network) will introduce itself as the very essence of all automation in Peerion and will issue you your very own Nimbus Cloud (Peerion’s Local Storage tool); think of it as your pet. Kabba will be able to speak and serve you through your Nimbus, once you have linked your local storage device to it.

Whatever data you keep in your nimbus will be yours to utilize and can be disconnected from Kabba at any moment. After you have connected with Nimbus, Kabba will congratulate you on becoming a Seedling!

Kabba will then ask you to choose a totem. A totem is simply a way to remain anonymous. After choosing one from a pool of art, Kabba will explain by remaining anonymous you truly get a lay of the land and figure out how you want to enter the Smart Market ecosystem either as a buyer, seller, teacher, artist, or developer.

Kabba will then describe the benefits of not using a totem and going public, such as being able to bring your community or store from other platforms to your peerion page, incurring a stronger reputation and looking more professional, allowing you to accept jobs from nonprofit leaders, etc. Kabba will also caution you, the new seedling, that once you fully verify yourself as a sapling, you only have one life (as it is connected to your Blockchain identity); whether or not you choose to remain anonymous is up to you! The Seedling is now ready to interact with the smart market freely and can begin growing their tree by using the elemental features provided by Peerion.

H20 — Hyperion’s Hyper Output — Nimbus’ ‘make it rain’ algorithm
CO2 — Connection’s Operational Outlay — Network ‘gas’
O2 — Obtainable Output — Node reward

As peers interact and familiarize themselves with Peerion, their Nimbus will collect more data and Kabba will be able to grow with them; learning with the peer as they explore the ecosystem. The peer’s introspection tools become more versatile and useful the more they are implemented, this will enable Kabba to help create a clear strategy for peers to chase their passions. Once they decide on what markets they are entering, they will turn to Peerion’s powerful e-commerce and advertising tools to start designing their shop and initiate a brand awareness campaign. This is where the real fun begins, as their Tree grows to new heights by collaborating and creating with co-peers.

Peerion’s Gamified Tools: Below will outline Peerion’s main tools to be utilized within the ecosystem, turning the entire platform into a deeply interactive and rewarding peer-to-peer experience.

Sales Tools: For building a shop, listing and managing, products and services. Peers can showcase products or services in a way that appeals to their brand. Peers will also be able to customize their user experience and automate the back-end of their business.

They can design a digital shop, integrate automation tools, link a puddle for donations (Nimbus), add games, and even start their own HotSpot to maximize their customers’ experience. All interactions will occur through the utilization of smart contracts, which gives the ability to lock digital products, services and funds until both parties are satisfied. Smart contracts also allow service providers to offer incremental payments while collaborating on projects or tasks, giving the client the ability to unlock payments as the project progresses and once satisfied with the services provided.

Peerion’s PAL is a job matching tool that calculates a peer’s ambition level through introspection. A service provider’s ambition level will be calculated autonomously, or manually if preferred, changing the different ambition weights of each factor depending on current market conditions. If demand is high, ambition could be lower, if demand is low, ambition must be higher, and a peer must be willing to take harder, longer, further jobs to ‘survive’. Utilizing Kabba’s introspection tools one could discover their current market conditions, forecast and trends to know if they must take a less desirable job or not. Smart contracts can be used to automate agreements between the client and service provider.

Advertisement Tools: Interface for creating and watching targeted smart ads. The advertiser chooses their targeted markets with appropriate tags, sets the campaign length, exposure level and reward for watching, then funds the smart ad which is locked in a smart contract. The consumer can choose to watch smart ads right from their dashboard. They choose the markets/categories that interest them and get rewarded for watching. This enables maximum ROI for the smart ad creator and gives the consumer relevant ads to watch for a reward, leaving both parties satisfied. The campaign will run based on the user settings; in most cases until the set time runs out or funds deplete.

Lesson Tools: Interface for creating and joining virtual classes. Host or join live classes, create webinars, private lessons, tutoring, training, curriculums, subscriptions, and automate all daily tasks (e.g. scheduling, lesson plans, reminders, emails, contacts, clients etc.). The underlying idea is to decentralize schooling. Granting people direct access to teachers, otherwise known as guides within the Peerion Ecosystem.Enabling peers to work directly with others with similar passions and interests. Connecting like minded individuals to create more efficient, effective and enjoyable learning experiences.

Classes can be paid for or even offered for free, either from guides themselves or publicly funded programs. Peers could petition for funding schooling programs, which can be used to hire teachers of that specific subject or skill set. Utilizing smart contracts and the integrated blockchain rating system, peers can confidently pick the appropriate Guides, and contract long term programs.

Consensus Tools: Interface for creating petitions, starting ballots, launching surveys. As a peer, getting proactive inside the ecosystem is made easy through an interactive interface that displays current petitions and ballots in real time. All petitions, ballots, votes and funds that would normally require a 3rd party to manage, are all done through the utilization of Smart Contracts.

This enables peers to confidently interact in a trust-less environment, with the ability to be involved with all current events occurring on the platform. Meaning that the parties involved do not need to know each other in order to trust the integrity of an agreement.

There are many reasons a peer would initiate a petition.For example, starting a petition to make a specific change to the platform. Say a peer wants to add a niche market that does not yet exist in the marketplace, which was specific to the services that they offered, the peer would then open their consensus tools and initiate a petition.

In the petition, a peer would need to supply supporting data as to why this market should be added (market size, demand, projections, etc…). Next, the user would input the petition for processing, where a normal transaction (gas) fee is charged (as is true for sending any data or transaction to be validated on the blockchain). This is necessary to promote only serious petitioners and validate the legitimacy of the causes that peers would support.

There will be calculated requirements on the consensus needed to pass petitions and ballots. Now, if that petition for a new market receives the required amount of signatures, then the market generation would activate autonomously via smart contract. Subsequently, continuous petitions could be formed to design the market, add sub-markets or even develop niche specific tools and features.

Nonprofit Dashboard: Interface for interacting with, initiating, and auditing nonprofits. Peers could also petition to start a nonprofit fund, which essentially is a smart contract, that will keep funds locked until approved. Spending is authorized by the consensus of the fund. This allows peers to support a cause in a more powerful way, enabling anyone to become a philanthropist, successively giving every peer the ability to take action and become a leader.

Utilizing HyperStamps, peers can link nonprofit ‘stamps’ to their products, services, content, and posts. A HyperStamp is a clickable icon to a nonprofit, that can be added to many places within the ecosystem. Adding a HyperStamp automatically takes a portion of a peer’s sale or earned tip, from anywhere they add it to, and contributes it to the chosen nonprofit fund. A peer can click on the stamp and add the stamp to their shop, or it could be redirected to the fund’s interface to directly contribute. The dashboard will also show all activity of the funds being supported by the peer, including the smart contract addresses for easy auditing.

Utilizing the consensus tools allow anyone to become a leader and facilitate change within the ecosystem. Every peer can remain ‘in the loop’, never missing out on important decision making or opportunities to be proactive.

The future of Peerion

HyperEngine — VR/AR development — Peerion’s graphic engine that will be designed to bring all of the Peerion features into virtual reality. It will include an interface for developing 3D land within Peerion’s Hypervision City. Peers will be able to buy land, develop blueprints, build designs and establish their own VR shopping experience for their customers. A peer can also create portals to 3D games that they develop.

Hyperengine will be a combination of hardware and software development with goals to move all of Peerion’s smart markets into virtual and augmented space, creating a city in Hypervision.

Funding will be allocated to build the initial marketplaces and hotspots. Petitions and funds can be started to add new marketplaces into the smart market city. Peers will be able to buy land and begin moving their ‘pad’ into virtual space. They will have to choose a marketplace to settle in. Each marketplace will be an aggregation of buds, their pads and a hotspot. All of the markets together will create the smart market city.

Once a peer has acquired some land and choses a marketplace, then one can decide how they want to design and plan their space architecture. They can put their store up with all their items, create an arcade with game portals, build an environment used to teach classes and hold seminars, or create their own hotspot where people can discuss content and chat. Peers can use Hypervision to hold private meetings and interviews, with or without land, via Hyperchat integration.


The main goal for implementing these rewarding, interactive and gamified experiences, is to offer an easy on-ramp to modern technology. Giving peers instant gratification, while simultaneously automating menial tasks and enabling them to chase more entrepreneurial ventures in a fun and enjoyable environment. Promoting cooperation, self discovery, good will and a positive competitive energy, stimulating local and global economies through a game-like interface.

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