Why Wearables are the Future

Andreas Stegmann
Published in
8 min readOct 27, 2018


A wise man once said Don’t bet against the smartphone!
Yet here I am, doing exactly that.

I think it’s time I lay out why I’m so bullish on Wearables. Wearables not as separate devices that accompany the smartphone. Wearables as sort of a connected team that can replace the smartphone.

The TL;DR version goes like this: Wearable computing will win with two factors:

  • less friction (time or steps that have to be made to accomplish a certain goal)
  • more immersion (integrating the real life better with the possibilities of computation)

The Team


Probably the category that is the most advanced. It started with the Apple AirPods. As a stereotypical Apple product it just works and is well integrated with other Apple products, while the competition tries to make its point with advanced features:

  • Jabra built in a runner’s mode (telling you e.g. the current pace and heartrate) and HearThrough (microphones that amplify what’s…



Andreas Stegmann

👨‍💻 Product Owner ✍️ Writes mostly about the intersection of Tech, UX & Business strategy.