Blockchain —> Tokenization —> iOS?

Valery Vaskabovich
2 min readAug 10, 2018


Remember, we are still going to finalize the demo of Hyperloot Protocol and Hyperloot iOS SDK is the main part of it…

…and it’s almost there! We have pushed the first version of Hyperloot iOS SDK which helps us to work with blockchain and get different types of information about wallets right on iOS device. The first version is like a start of something new and big. That’s why it’s missing inventory functionality which is primarily designed to blur the lines between developers, blockchain and in-app assets.

Speaking of the technical implementation this the very first version of iOS SDK utilizes some parts of open-source Trust Wallet app. It supports various testnets like Ropsten and Rinkeby along with Ethereum mainnet which makes us flexible during testing and deploying smart contracts for issuing ERC-20/ERC-721 tokens. Smart contracts are based on the framework by Zeppelin & 0xcert and it’s incredibly important to do your development on top of solutions verified by the evolving community.

So basically the SDK can create a wallet and fetch balances for all owned tokens in that wallet. It doesn’t fully support our ERC-721 tokens but the work is in progress.

The next step towards the demo is to integrate all that stuff into Quake3 and do tokenization of in-game weapons! Stay tuned, I expect a lot of fun. And compile errors… after building a bridge between old Obj-C codebase and brand new Swift 4.

P.S. I know that I’ve promised to go over our architecture which already lives in our GitHub but then I realized that the article will be more consistent if I do that after wrapping up all work on the demo.

