Bounty stage 1 completion

Pony Unicorn
HyperLoot Protocol
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2018

Good news everyone!

Our bounty was a success! We’ve attracted significant attention to our core products and created a starter community to adopt them!

It took us a bit less than expected, in around two-three weeks we’ve gathered almost three thousand people on our Discord server, subreddit and Facebook page. That’s a good start! We consider these people to be the early adopters and the first batch of possible DAO participants.

Our moderation team will go through the confirmation of hand-moderated tasks within two weeks.

There’s been a hiccup, however.

One morning we woke up and we had over 22,346 users in our telegram. Over the night we added almost 18,000 new users, which was an abnormal 400% increase. We were super excited but then we started to analyze:

First, our discord, twitter, reddit or facebook did not grow nearly as much.

Second, most of the names did not had any picture profiles. Names looked like randomly generated name, last name pairs.

Keep in mind that for every new telegram account we promised to pay 1 HLT token so there was a strong financial motivation.

As we caped our telegram bounty to 30,000 users, the volume of new users cooled off right as it hit the cap.

We do not yet know how the bot owner is looking to create that many new ETH addresses (I mean, we’re surely not going to pay to a single address and are expecting 18 000 wallets). That remains to be seen.

The main question is what are we going to do.

After team deliberation we decided to actually make payouts for people that have telegram AND at least one other account: Discord, Reddit, Facebook or Twitter

This means that the hacker will need to actually create fake accounts in these other two networks. Which is pretty difficult thing to do, and if they do it, we will actually pay out.

We also want to mention that if the person responsible comes out and contacts us we will actually pay out a fee (to be discussed). We might need a guy or a girl like that to further our platform development. Come join us and you can earn much more!

A little advice if you don’t:

1) When you spam with bots, do not do it exactly the same time interval. Do it at random which is a super easy thing to do.

2) Do not do a huge jump, try to stay little over organic growth.

3) Try not to take the entire bounty, don’t be greedy.

4) Put some user pics, these are easy to get.

Don’t forget to reach out, any of our social networks will do.

For everybody else: we’re working on what we call “Bounty 2.0” which is essentially a DAO participation entry round, once we’ve done with moderating and setting out payouts for the 15th of February, we’ll return with participation conditions for it!

The best channel to stay up-to-date with us is Discord, so hop in now and keep an eye on #annoucements channel.



Pony Unicorn
HyperLoot Protocol

Nick Murashov. Project management, unicorns and chill!