How to decentralised

Alex Vasilenka
HyperLoot Protocol
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2018

I’m Alex and I’m an experienced blockchain enthusiast. I’ve been into game development for quite a while and I am very interested in further gamedev fostering. I always have my eyes on new projects in the topic, but unfortunately, all decisions that are offered here are centralized. There is no mechanism for gathering developers yet and no incentive to do this. That’s why I’ve decided to create an ecosystem, that will motivate all game developers and producers, investors, players and other stakeholders to be brought together. This ecosystem is Hyperloot and I’ll tell you more about it.

Hyperloot is the place, where gaming meets blockchain. The main idea behind the project is to merge the typical principles of crypto and open source. We want to develop a project that aims to profit all of the stakeholders, that’s why we need it to be fair and decentralized. Such project requires all of the participants to be guided by transparent methods and processes. There should also be no third parties to govern them. The only ecosystem that allows to adopt these principles is DAO.

DAO allows to gather different people with diverse skills and vision. To be productive and deliver they should definitely follow certain communication and organizational rules. All groups inside the DAO system are voting for what is crucial and valuable for further project development. Stakeholders are interested in success and in being efficient, because they benefit, while the project is fostering.

To make such system work efficiently I’ve developed token economy. It has a structure which allows to promote ideas and reward developers’ effort. It’s more efficient than open source systems that live on donations. Token economy helps to move people towards organizational processes, while mechanics helps managing it.

DAO implementation allows:

  • Realize tokenized business model, which meets investors interests.
  • Provide SDK, that allows developers easily integrate new decisions into other projects.
  • Make marketplaces with a real economy, which helps gamers to trade items they’ve earned.
  • Maintain live and changeable ecosystem and community, where every effort is valuable and every participant is paid according to her contribution.

I’ve been asked a lot about our token growth. The whole deal is that we don’t need to make such promises because it’s a pure ICO prerogative. Usually with ICO closing, exchanges become full of huge flow of pig-in-a-poke tokens. Nobody understands their value, they are easily to manipulate with and their price often rapidly goes down. We do not launch an ICO and are staying away from hollow value explanations. Our token is already trading. We stick to Bitcoin model and token mining, that’s why they evenly appear on exchanges. We avoid huge token flow, because they cannot be mined in such amounts. Moreover, usually developers cannot sell it right away, because they have vesting to do so. Token flow is quite small and it cannot affect the market dramatically.

The main rules executed in Hyperloot are the following:

  • Every activity, which benefits the project, is valuable and payable. It may be a technical code, artwork, publication, conference participating and so on.
  • All the DAO funds are paid out to DAO participants (developers,marketers, designers and so on).
  • Progress is tracked and managed on GitHub.
  • To become a DAO participant you should get an approval from two other members. You can send us your CV and join the system.
  • If you’re inactive for 3 months and don’t add any value to the project, then you’re out of the DAO. You cannot passively stay in the project, even if you own a great stake.
  • Every DAO party can vote, make suggestions and offer, where to grow further. If your suggestion is supported by other community members, than you manage your individual project inside the DAO, which is financed by it.

Hyperloot is inspired by other DAO adopters. The first one was Daniel Larimer, he established DAO system in a BitShares. They executed voting system, committees, and work&proposal model. Another adopter is Vitalik Buterin, whose attempts to develop DAO ended up with dramatical drop of Ethereum value. DAO concept is now also implemented in Dash. Basically, DAO is implemented as automatic reward system, where a reward size depends on your actions. When you join the organization you are motivated to bring value and stay there, because you make profit as project evolves. That’s how basic DAO principles work inside Dash.

DAO is an open source organization, which is regulated by blockchain rules. What’s important, these rules were not invented just for fun, they need to be carried out to help all the participants earn money. Our first priority on the early stages is to find correct validity mechanisms, make up rules and develop the basics that were initially established by Larimer and Buterin before in order to bring the autonomy to the system.

At the moment, we already have basic principles on how DAO works. I want to specify them, improve the smart-contract model, make payment system transparent, and enhance validity mechanisms and QA. All this transformations should be made gradually, step-by-step. That’s why I encourage developers to join us on GitHub and help develop decentralized system. Together we can make it open, free of regulation and easy to control.

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