Introducing Market Data Vendor

Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2019

Greetings! As you understand, the wait is over. We’ve launched a new service built upon the HyperQuant infrastructure!

Welcome Market Data Vendor (MDV)!

It is a high quality, fast and reliable data provider for cryptocurrency markets. With the help of it you will be able to get OHLCV (open, high, low, close, volume) data from different timeframes and exchanges of each transaction in a convenient and transparent way.

So, what makes MDV indispensable?


The solution which enables to run fast analytics on a large amount of data is definitely in high demand nowadays in terms of constantly growing cryptocurrency market.


Yes, MDV does not reinvent the wheel. But the devil is in the details. It’s idea is not to make you completely rethink the way you store, query and analyse the data, but to make this process as effective as possible. The format of MDV data delivery notably saves your time and nerves. You can download detailed market data through a unified API protocol or as a flat-file with data.


With MDV you can process huge amounts of data in a short period of time. And time is money. It works with both small queries and those of more than a billion rows and tens of gigabytes of data per single server per second.


The service uses a solid infrastructure as a base and has secure integral parts, including its own SQL dialect, exchanges connectors and big data tools for storage, analysis and processing of data. MDV is designed to deliver the data in a highly reliable way without introducing any substantial additional latency.The system fastly recovers in case of failure, it is able to provide clear explanations of the problems it faced and backfills missing data.


The website is extremely user-friendly. The data delivery process of is super easy. Seriously, there is no need for endless spreadsheets, obscure libraries, user permission issues and other things often associated with working with huge amounts of data.

What does MDV mean for you? Time for use cases:

Having an effective tool you are getting a variety of opportunities to use it smartly. Here are some ideas to effectively leverage the benefits of MDV:

  • Backtesting and simulations running with any kinds of strategies, algorithms and bots.
  • Hedging risks by creating an advanced proactive portfolio risk management system.
  • Financial models building.
  • Conducting in-depth market research with a huge amounts of data.
  • Creating custom market indicators/data visualization (widgets, market maps, etc.).
  • Using MDV as easily integrated data feed for any website, wallet, platform or dApp.

More use cases can be composed based on your own needs.

Thanks to all of you for your support.
Stay tuned for more announcements!

P.S Stay updated with MDV social media:

Official website:

