New Year development report (29.12)

Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2018

Hello everyone! Congrats with upcoming New 2019 Year, hopefully bullish, and here you are — our regular weekly development report.

So, how to describe the year passed? Definitely, busy, with lots of improvements and progress, new opportunities and prospects. We achieved the aims planned and all these is due to your help and support. Appreciate our great community so much! Without you, guys, we would not have gone so far.

That’s what we have for today after a week of hard work.

“HQ Trades”

History storage software based on Merkle tree, which serves to prove fairness of each algorithm history transactions.

The design of trade history storage software

HQ team wishes you all the best in the upcoming year!
Watch your dreams coming true, see the results of your efforts!
Let’s make 2019 a breakthrough together!
Be happy :)

Do not hesitate to ask any question in our social media!

The following are links to know more and be updated about HyperQuant

