Piercing the False Sky

Lucas M.
New Foundations
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2024

Saying what they’re too afraid to

Man waving French flag above crowds, France protests of 1968

The minds of my world are twisted with ascetic pollution, rendered fearful and contemptible, poisoned
Their thoughts blanket the skies and set the limits of the imagination
You and I exist to pierce that false sky, to open up a sleeping world to sheer possibly

Please note: I do not condone violence or cruel treatment of Christians and this article does not advocate either.

What is Robbed from Christians

Life without fear of hell, music, dance, sex without guilt, justified anger and justified violence, agency, independence of spirit, pleasure itself without guilt, integrity - all of these are robbed from those subordinated by their Christian beliefs to varying extents in the various sects of Christianity. Worse perhaps are the secondary limits placed upon Christians by their belief. Meekness is a poison, not a virtue, but Christians would have you thinking otherwise. The same goes for anger at one who has violated you in some way, or violence when violence is justified. Christian values are largely useless when it comes to fighting for progress, even when the Christian desires progress. But worse than the primary limits, worse than the secondary limits too is the requirement to believe based on faith alone — this lie that Christians tell themselves is worst of all, representing the total betrayal of the ideal of integrity.

Contesting Reality
Many ideologies aim at complete dominance over the hearts and minds of the populace of a given society. Christianity is one of these. In fact, Christianity would blanket the whole world. The quest for total dominance comes with the unfolding of an unquestionable vision of the nature of reality, metaphysics, life. But we can contest this, using considered speech to drive an anti-Christian culture.

The Question of Suppression
Full suppression of a religion as harmful as Christianity would be justified, if not for Christians thriving under and desiring repression. We can’t suppress Christianity through actually forceful means, but we can create an anti-Christian culture, which knows and strikes Christianity’a weak points continually through propaganda written and spoken, which is as hostile to Christendom as it is empathetic of victims suffering due to religious belief.

Iconoclasts for Good

In terms of the seizure of cultural power, anti-Christian tendencies have gone through resistance to Church rule, to open revolt, and we are now at the stage of dual power where control is contested. Winning requires we reach and then embrace the next stage of active cultural repression of the Church.

Can you imagine a life not under Christian dominion, one where our children can live without fear of hell? Let’s try.



Lucas M.
New Foundations

Using creative thinking to generate new exits from and ways of thinking outside of oppressive religion.