Hypersign Roundup, Q1 2022

Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2022

TL;DR — A quarter of the way into Year 2 of the Hypersign story, and we’re hard at work doing what we usually do — building great products like HyperFyre, partnering with the best, creating more utility for $HID, and strengthening connections with our thriving global user base — with the goal of making Web 3 more private and secure for us all.

Along with the above, we’re also hard at work doing what is most certainly not usual — the construction and launch of the sovereign Hypersign Blockchain.

So here’s our report thus far, a quarter of the way into the most significant year we’ve had since… well, last year…

Enjoy and get in touch via the links at the end. We would love to hear from you!

Blockchain Progress & HyperFyre Metrics | 2022 Roadmap

Our Co-founder, Vikram Bhushan, has been putting out threads monthly with handy summaries of our most important growth metrics — here’s his update for March.

Guided by our Roadmap, here’s a rundown of our Hypersign Blockchain progress thus far:


  • Started our Cosmos Devnet
  • Finalized DID framework research
  • Continued DKG research for Key Management
  • Put the finishing touches on the first draft for Interoperable DID on the Cosmos IBC



  • Integrated the DID Schema module
  • Commenced research on Bonding curves and Inflation schemes
  • Added the Fee Grant module for Custom DIDs
  • Submitted a HIP5 proposal for querying DIDs via the IBC layer

Our community and campaign management tool, HyperFyre, has also been growing stronger with each passing month:

(Note: These were generated a few days into April, so ignore the drop-offs)

In summary, we’ve experienced the following percentage increases from January to March 2022:

⭐️ AVG Daily Active users = 350%

⭐️ Total new users = 1225%

⭐️ Total #did registered = 965%

⭐️ New customers (events registered) = 67%

Other Developments

January began with The Year Of Firsts, an in-depth recap of our inaugural year. We focused on our three main milestones of 2021 and also commented on the state of data security, access, and privacy.

Our Roadmap, as mentioned earlier followed the recap and the announcement that our long-awaited Single Asset Staking for $HID was finally live on Polygon.

The subsequent big development was the v5.0.3 Release of HyperFyre which brought about a slew of essential improvements and features to the product. We also released some growth numbers for our user base. The last significant HyperFyre development for January was the Reward campaign we launched to test our Payment Module.

February saw the team nose deep in important protocol updates, HyperFyre development, and a range of new partnerships but Vikram did find the time to speak at the prestigious Data Security Council of India’s Metaverse Symposium.

March was all about conferences with Hypersign and HyperFyre front and center of both ETHDubai and NFT | LA! We got to share our research, demo our products, powered both conferences’ giveaways through HyperFyre, and, most importantly, meet the vibrant community whose passion and support powers everything in this space.

We also completed one pool of the $HID Single Asset Staking program on the 22nd. There’s currently another active pool with 34.25% APY that’s only active for another 15 days, so act fast! (Make sure to change to the Polygon wallet on the top right)

So, there you go. First-quarter down, and we’re starting to build up quite a head of steam!

We can’t wait to see what the rest of 2022 has in store for Hypersign.

As always, thanks for coming along for the ride, and we’ll see you in the next one.

About Hypersign

Hypersign is a decentralized identity protocol and identity management stack developed by Hypermine Labs. It offers a simple-to-use authentication solution that secures user data by combining Digital Identity with Blockchain. We are on a mission to eliminate data breaches and empower humanity to regain control of their data by democratising security for enterprises at an affordable price point.

🌎 Website: www.hypersign.id

🔥 HyperFyre: fyre.hypersign.id

🐦 Twitter: twitter.com/hypersignchain

📢 Telegram: t.me/hypersignchain

🔔 Telegram Announcements: t.me/hypersign_ann

🤖 Reddit: reddit.com/r/hypersign

🐈 GitHub : github.com/hypersign-protocol

