Git: a Must-have Tool for Coders


Anastasia Ivanova
2 min readJun 14, 2023


In the comprehensive lexicon of programming, we master various elements from languages and algorithms, to object-oriented programming, databases, and security. Source control often fades into the background, even though it’s an essential pillar in this landscape.

Consider source control as the careful archivist of your code, noting every single change and evolution. Among its many variations, Git stands out as the reliable, widely-used tool, a virtual time machine for your code, allowing you to revisit or rewind your code’s history when the narrative gets complex.

Like a new chapter in a book, every tweak in the code is carefully documented. If the plot thickens unexpectedly, Git empowers you to revisit the narrative and adjust the storyline.

Start your immersive journey with Git and unravel the benefits of source control through the JetBrains Academy track on Hyperskill — Introduction to Git.

A meticulous librarian (depicting Git) archiving books (symbolizing code) in a vast library (the repository), visually demonstrating Git’s role in tracking and managing your code. Midjourney 5.1

Why do Programmers Advocate Git?

Consider Git as an ingenious creator, fabricating multiple alternate versions of your code through its branching system. Each branch acts as an independent code iteration, allowing room for experimentation and innovation without impacting your master branch — your original, unaltered code.

Essential Features of Git:

1. Version Control: With Git, trace your code’s evolution and effortlessly revert to previous versions when necessary.

2. Staging Area: Git’s staging area lets you review and modify your code alterations before the final commit.

3. Tags: Use Git’s tagging feature to mark important milestones or releases in your project.

4. Merge: Merge different branches into a single, cohesive branch effortlessly with Git.

Git serves as an invaluable ally to all programmers, from those taking their initial steps in coding to seasoned developers working on expansive projects.

Key Git Skills to Master:

1. Working with Remote Repositories. Learn to push and pull changes, and resolve potential conflicts in this shared workspace.

2. Cloning Repositories. Clone repositories to your local machine using the ‘git clone’ command, a crucial starting point with Git.

3. Branching. Learn to create, switch, and merge branches, allowing multiple versions of your code simultaneously.

4. Committing Changes. Create informative commit messages, effectively recording each change in your code’s history.

5. Resolving Merge Conflicts: Develop the skill to manually resolve merge conflicts when automatic merging is not possible.

Embark on the new JetBrains Academy track on Hyperskill — Introduction to Git. Learn basic Git commands, install and set up Git on your computer, work with local and remote repositories, and familiarize yourself with GitHub, the most popular code hosting platform.

