HSN Technology Analysis Part 2

Hyper Speed Network
Published in
6 min readAug 16, 2019

How HSN Adds New Momentum to the Cloud Computing Market in the Age of 5G

5G is the fifth-generation mobile phone communication standard, also known as the fifth-generation mobile communication technology. It is an evolution after 4G. If we want to talk about how 5G will change our lives, we must go back to the original purpose of each generation of network upgrade, which points out the five most important themes of 5G:

  • High Speed: Reduce the Bit Error Rate and increase the Data Transmission Rate significantly
  • Low latency: Strictly control the sensitivity and greatly reduce network latency
  • High concurrent connections: Higher bandwidth can support up to Millions of Devices in one square kilometre
  • Low power consumption: For example, Internet of Things devices do not require high speed and lowest delay, but they require very low power consumption.
  • Low Cost: Compared with 4G, more cost can be saved per unit of data transmission.

On June 6th , 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, officially issued 5G commercial licenses to China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom and China Radio and Television, which marked China’s entry into the first year of 5G commercial. How will 5G, with its high speed, large bandwidth, low latency and high concurrent connections, drive the development of cloud computing?

Common consumer applications

Cloud Gaming

Although there are already cloud games in existence, the user experience of cloud games is far from expectation. However, in the 5G era, users can experience unparalleled mobile cloud games as long as they have a high-resolution display. Users no longer need to download any game resources, but simply click and play. Game resources are operating in the cloud server of the cloud service providers. Players can enjoy the real-time streaming of the game graphics from the terminals hosed in cloud, and the ultra-high 5G speed will not make players feel any delay.

Cloud software

Since the games can now run in the cloud, those software applications with low latency requirements can be easily supported. At present, due to the limitation of battery service life and CPU functions, many large-scale software cannot run on mobile devices for a long time, so users and enterprises can only run large-scale software in the cloud, and mobile phones still only carry out simple operation and receive processing results. But with 5G, even the mobile devices can handle the complex computing tasks of large-scale software applications at high speed without relying on the local host or server.

Cloud Processing

After the games and large-scale applications are all in the cloud, all computing software that requires data processing will also enter the cloud. The mobile devices do not need a powerful handset processor but handles most of the processing tasks to the cloud service providers or edge computing devices. As a consumer user, you only need to rent cloud computing devices with different capabilities online, while mobile phones will only be a collection of display screens, batteries and other special hardware with upload and download functions. Most computing functions operate in the cloud. Users no longer need to change hardware frequently for the upgrade of computing services but can always enjoy the best configuration.

It can be predicted that cloud computing will still play a dominant role in the 5G era, and more Internet services, mobile device hardware and Internet of Things (IoT) services providers will be transformed into cloud services providers. Conversely, if the cloud service providers want to expand their scale, they will not only be limited to providing cloud computing solutions, but also the cloud will support those software applications that were running on client side previously. This trend will create more opportunities for IT companies. Becoming a comprehensive Internet company with cloud computing as the core will be possible for Internet companies that are prepared, as 5G will be the driving force behind the development of cloud computing.

Of course, in addition to the above, cloud solutions, cloud service models, etc., will also usher in changes in the 5G era. The development of Internet of Everything requires powerful computing and storage capabilities. And the coming of 5G era is beneficial to the healthy development of the whole cloud computing industry. Similarly, cloud computing can also promote the popularity of 5G. The improvement of cloud computing will further push the 5G era forward steadily.

By applying 5G technology to upgrade the industry, cloud computing industry will usher in unprecedented changes. After the first stage of cloud computing, cloud service providers in China will get opportunities for development. Using the opportunity of 5G upgrade, the market share of cloud service providers may bring a new round of shuffling.

Through the upgrading of services, the old market pattern may be broken, and the new market pattern may be re-established during this period. The development trend of cloud computing market is mainly reflected in the following aspects.

  1. The service models of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS in China’s cloud market continue to develop in a coordinated way, and the market scale is adjusted with the change of customer demand.
  2. Full stack cloud service will be the inevitable path for cloud service providers to cope with the diversified needs of enterprises.
  3. Multi-Cloud has become a common requirement, and cross-cloud management, data and service migration have become important technical methods.
  4. Edge Computing has become a new competitive hotspot for cloud service providers, and it is also an area where cloud services have great growth potential in the 5G era.
  5. Effective collaboration of cloud and network convergence will be a great advantage for cloud service providers.

Hyper Speed Network (HSN) is the world’s first public chain + 5G application architecture ecosystem. It aims to use blockchain technology to achieve complex application scenarios, which will support greatly the overall 5G industry development. After the mainnet gets online, HSN will be widely applied to cloud VR/AR, smart security, smart city, smart manufacturing, UAV, SDWAN+NAS, Mesh products, and edge computing modules in 5G environment. Thus, HSN will add new momentum for the Cloud Computing market which has entered the second half of the game.

Especially, as mentioned above, cloud computing will move from centre to edge, and the core idea of Edge Computing is to transfer the storage, transmission, computation and security of data to edge nodes. HSN network has specifically applied edge computing architecture and can make full use of the computing power of nodes themselves, meeting the requirement for computing storage for Internet of Things devices, and improving the timeliness of the process of perception-computation-response in a relatively close distance. In the IoT applications, there are many scenarios that require low latency response. When cloud computing cannot meet requirements in these areas, HSN’s edge computing architecture is a new solution.

A graphical representation of edge node computing architecture used within the HSN ecosystem

Any well-prepared Internet and IT company can find new opportunities in this trend, and become a new “player” of cloud computing in the 5G era. Traditional cloud computing market structure will also usher in a new shuffle, while HSN will add new momentum for the development of cloud computing and evolution of this market!

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