HSN Weekly Report [11/11/2019–11/15/2019]

Hyper Speed Network
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2019


1. China Hi-Tech Fair 2019 (CHTF) was held in Shenzhen from November 13th to November 17th. HSN CTO Richard Sheh communicated and shared with technicians in the fields of unmanned vehicles, smart cities and distributed storage.

2. Director Mao Chunlin of the Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and other delegations visited Hyper Speed Network (HSN). HSN CTO Richard Sheh and HSN Chief Scientist Daniel Sun hosted the reception, communicated on the development of blockchain, talked about the cooperation between the two parties, and achieved the goal of striving to build a globally influential and leading blockchain industry cluster.

Technology Development


1) Wallet APP finished 55%:

1. Functional requirements review and UI design review finished.

2. The overall development of HSN wallet backend finished 45%;

2.1 Background management summary design modification completed

2.2 Design background management system API interface completed

Wallet background: https://github.com/wongyinlong/hsnWalletBackend

2.3 The test case content of the wallet has been output and will be reviewed.

2) Mainnet development:

The SDK documentation is revised and the catalog outline is fixed, and the overall completion is 90% (the content details are modified)

In Progress:

1. HSN Test Net (store the code) https://github.com/jian-yu/ipfs-connector

2. HSN wallet R&D

4. MIFI products

5. loV+blockchain solutions

6. The SD-WAN product embedded software development

7. MIFI beta testing

8. video+blockchain storage solutions

Business Operation

1. On November 11, HSN DevNet and Product Launching Event was successfully held.

On the first part of the video of the Event, HSN Product Manager Francis Chen analyzed the four modules of the developer network — dashboards, verification nodes, blocks, and transactions.

Alex Chen, official HSN Node partner, pointed out that HSN has achieved great achievements since its launch, and looks forward to Dapp’s being launched on the HSN mainnet.

2. China Hi-Tech Fair 2019 (CHTF) was held in Shenzhen from November 13th to November 17th. HSN CTO Richard Sheh communicated and shared with technicians in the fields of unmanned vehicles, smart cities and distributed storage.

3. Recently, Director Mao Chunlin of the Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee and other delegations visited HSN(Hyper Speed Network). HSN CTO Richard Sheh and HSN Chief Scientist Daniel Sun hosted the reception, communicated on the development of the blockchain, talked about the cooperation between the two parties, and achieved the goal of striving to build a globally influential and leading blockchain industry cluster.

Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone was established in 1992 and was approved as a state-level economic and technological development zone in 2000. In August 2018, Xingsha Blockchain Industrial Park, the first blockchain industrial park in central China, was formally established.

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HSN Wallet Download Link: https://invite.pmn.hsn.link/download.html

Website: https://www.hsn.link/

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/HSpeedNetwork

Medium: https://medium.com/@hyperspeednetwork2019

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HyperSpeedNetwork/

