What is HSN’s Devnet? HSN CTO Richard Sheh Elaborates

Hyper Speed Network
Published in
4 min readNov 28, 2019

Richard Sheh: CTO of HSN, Computer Science MSc, Big Data and loT expert, 10+ years in the telecommunications industry. Managed R&D of data communication and security products, served as core product Project Director in Sangfor Technologies Inc. Ex-manager of a high performance wireless communication product line in Tenda. The Key Technology of Ultra- high Speed and Large Capacity Intelligent Wireless Access Controller project developed under his guidance received the Shenzhen Science and Technology Project award of CNY 4 million. Has rich experience in the blockchain industry since 2017, led the development of key blockchain applications, such as tracability systems, digital wallets, digital exchanges etc.

HSN DevNet:https://scan.hsn.dev

1. Introduction to HSN’s DevNet:

1) Based on the improvement of base layer, contract layer and application layer, HSN’s team in charge of developing the mainnet has launched the DevNet;

2) The HSN Developer Network has the following features:

As the first functional version of HSN’s DevNet, the team has implemented the Super Node Network with PBFT-DPoS as consensus mechanism, following the plan described in the White Paper. Its core functions include block packaging, account generation and management, asset issuance and transfer, super node candidate selection and management, etc. In addition, its performance indicator has reached several thousands of transactions per second. HSN testnet and mainnet will continue to develop on the basis of the DevNet, complete other functions as planned, and become the infrastructure Blockchain service network for the 5G era.

2. The significance of HSN’s DevNet:

1) Prove that HSN mainnet reaches the DevNet stage, which allows user view all the information on block, node, account, and transaction through block browser.

2) Verify the implementation results for the DevNet stage, including blockchain browsers and open source code.

3) Demonstrate some exciting new results and technology (they are not ready yet, but will be realized on the upcoming testnet and mainnet).

3. The functions of HSN DevNet through the Browser

Purpose: Monitor the behavior of each node and display all transaction information publicly;

1) Dashboard page — Users can monitor the current price of HSN token versus USDT from the browser, as well as the circulating supply and total mortgage amount of the token, total number of blocks and the timestamp of each block.

2) Verifier page — Display the number of nodes that are running. This page mainly divides the nodes into three categories: Active, Inactive, and Imprisoned.

From a security perspective, when a node behaves irregularly, the node will be imprisoned by the system and all block generation activities that the node participates in will be terminated. In order to ensure the efficiency of the block generation, a penalty mechanism is set for the inactive nodes. For every 100 blocks, if the node misses more than five blocks, it will be “imprisoned” for 3 days and an amount of 1% will be deducted, and the node cannot participate in block generation and other activities in this interval.

This page mainly shows the pro and con of the verifier node, the asset ranking of the node, the proportion of the mortgage amount, and the accumulated shares and activity.

3) Verifier details page — Display the basic information of the node, the entrusted assets, the change statistics of the assets, and the proposed block. Thus, users can choose a trusted verifier according to their own judgment.

4) Account details page — There are mainly two types of accounts: the user account and the verifier account; the difference is that the user account has no commission information. Common information of these two types of accounts include entrusted events, trust decommissioning, and transaction history of the account.

5) Block — Display the height of the block, the block hash, the proposer, the transaction content and timestamp contained in the block.

6) Transaction — Display the transaction type, return the transaction result, the transaction amount and fee, and also list the block that packages the transaction and timestamp.

4. The development direction of the HSN mainnet in future, and the cooperation with DevNet

The DevNet is the first stage of the mainnet, and serves as the basis framework. The team will continue to develop the mainnet on the basis of the DevNet.

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