Why the Massive Data Breaches Continue to Happen and Even the Largest Companies Fail to Prevent Them?

HyperSphere AI
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2019

The data breach of Capital One, the seventh-largest commercial bank in the US, exposed more than 100 million customers. Federal authorities says hacker worked for a Capital One as contractor and stole personal and financial data of the customers from the bank’s credit card applications in March this year.

HyperSphere offers private, secure cloud infrastructure for businesses

Capital One case proves again that data leaks can happen to any company — either small startup or large business. Why such massive data breaches continue to take place and even the largest companies fail to protect themselves?

The answer is very simple: because businesses continue to neglect the simplest cybersecurity principles. They fail to encrypt sensitive data and keep it in public clouds.

To prevent and detect potential data leaks are critical for all sizes of businesses. The shorter it takes to identify an attack, the less costly the financial consequences. According to Ponemon Institute, with just 1 minute notification of a data leak, resulting costs could be reduced by 40%.

To address all major cyber secure challenges, a modern tech solution, suitable for the today’s digital era, should correspond to the following requirements:

  • Keep sensitive data in encrypted storage
  • Encrypt storage and data separately
  • Transfer sensitive data in already encrypted state

Keeping these points in mind HyperSphere offers not only private, secure cloud infrastructure for businesses where all data are encrypted while transferring and storing. HyperSphere does it on top of decentralized network protected by SDNP protocol, giving no chance to any centralized hack or insider attack.

