Announcing HyperTrack dashboard v3

Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2017

We announced the first Beta version of our dashboard in April 2016 when we had a few developers in private Beta who were generous enough to bet on us when we had no product to offer. We announced the second Beta version in September 2016 when we had a few more developers through our public Beta who were generous in sharing their feedback about their usage. It is now time to announce our third Beta version as more developers across industries and countries start using HyperTrack as part of their daily usage. Here are the salient features.

Live views

Live views give you a pulse of your operations that day. The live section consist of two views: users and tasks.

User view gives you a list of users that are on a live trip performing a task, online and available to be assigned a task or offline.

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Live View — Users

Trip cards give you a quick summary of users on a live trip along with time and distance traveled. Tapping on the trip card reveals a map view of the user’s current location and progress viz. completed and pending tasks. You can drill down into the trip to view more details and playback the trip so far.

Trip Cards

You can see the live location of all your users on a map. Zooming into a cluster of users reveals individual users with their precise location and zooming out clusters them back. Hovering over a user gives you details of their ongoing trip.

Map view of your users

Task view gives you a list of tasks that are ongoing, pending or not yet assigned.

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Live View — Tasks

Task cards provide a summary of tasks- current status (like Leaving Now, On the Way, Arriving, Delayed, etc.), start time, ETA, distance traveled and more. Tapping on the task card reveals a map view of the user’s current location and progress.

Similar to live users, clustering of tasks is available with zoom in and out for granular detail. Use this to get a sense of task density and heatmap of what is done and pending.


Analytics views give you metrics for your operations. As with live section, the analytics section also consist of two view: users and tasks.

User view shows a list of users with their performance metrics — on-time performance, tasks completed, and time & distance traveled per task. Tapping on a user card will show details of the user along with a list of all the trips that the user has completed.

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Analytics — Users

Task view shows a list of completed tasks with their completion time and on-time performance. This view shows a summary of tasks created, assigned, completed and on-time (as a %).

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Analytics — Tasks

Lastly, we have also added an ability for you to download any of the user or task analytics data as CSV. This will help you merge HyperTrack data with data that you have from other sources for further analysis of your operations.

We are always excited to hear your feedback so we can keep evolving the dashboard to be ever more useful for your business. Join our discussion on slack.

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