HyperTrack CTO, I am looking for you

Kashyap Deorah
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2018
HyperTrack CTO, I am looking for you

500 — monthly signups from developers worldwide

$0 — marketing spend to date

Why do they come? To track the movement of their app users.

What kind of apps? Work apps used by the mobile workforce who sell, service, drive and deliver for a living.

Why do they track? To get visibility into business that’s on the way. Helps them make it more efficient, build better controls and deliver a better experience to customers.

I need examples! Oil pumpers in Texas, sex workers in Thailand, pharma sales reps in India, restaurant workers in San Francisco, repairmen in Florida, realtors in Melbourne, taxi drivers in Saudi Arabia, truckers in Hungary and bike taxis in Kenya are being HyperTracked as we speak.

Not to mention food delivery, grocery delivery, local services apps, ride-sharing and on-demand logistics companies in vibrant cities around the world.

How did you get there?

  1. A dozen awesome engineers in Bangalore
  2. Led by stellar product and engineering leaders
  3. Supported by wise and patient Silicon Valley investors
  4. Who invested $8.5M, most of which is still in the bank

Then why do you need a CTO?

  1. Architect: We are building infrastructure software that our customers’ production applications depend on. If we go down, their customers go down. When we build our stack as application software, we fail. When we build it as infrastructure software, we find ourselves needing an architect.
  2. Data: Our secret sauce involves merging multiple independent real-time data sets. 9 out of 10 problems we solve involve dealing with streaming time series data. We need someone who naturally thinks of problems as data problems and knows the latest and greatest ways to solve them.
  3. Domain: Location and maps is a deep domain. And it just got hotter! With cars driving themselves, drones flying themselves and scooters stacking up by the curbs, the world is building the next generation of maps. We are complementary to maps companies. But we can learn from those who have built awesome things with location and maps.
  4. Community: We win when developers win. Step 1, deliver a great product that developers want. Step 2, share it with the community and get them involved. Step 3: Feed that back to Step 1. We want someone on the inside who can get us involved in the community.

If you spike on any 1, write to us

2 out of 4, drop everything and write now!

Why now?

We incubated in India. Now it is time to hatch in San Francisco.

The market has spoken. And now it is time to deliver.

I packed my bags and put them on a ship. I packed my family and put them on a plane. And here we are now.

I am building my team in San Francisco. We work out of WeWork Embarcadero Center.

Why San Francisco?

We are creating a market category. Perhaps an entire industry. This is the place to do it from. The CTO must be based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

How do I know I’m the one!

Four words: Entrepreneur, Ambition, Courage, Imagination

Entrepreneur is a pre-requisite. Other characteristics will lead to love…

I think I’m the one. Want to learn more…


I’m not the one, but I know a guy who knows a gal


Tic toc tic toc



Kashyap Deorah

@HyperTrack APIs help you build logistics apps that feel like the future