Proof of Delivery — Why and How it can help your business grow

Dr Tannusharma
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2021

Home deliveries: The trend born out of the need has a long way to go. The concept of on-demand delivery has reached new heights in recent years. The graph of delivery businesses is up and to the right.
Delivery business thrives on making its services efficient and satisfactory to its end customers. The addition of the “ Proof of Delivery” feature ticks all the required boxes and leverages the true potential of an on-demand delivery business.

What is Proof of Delivery?

It is an essential feature of the delivery process that establishes acknowledgement between the delivery agent and the customer to mark that successful delivery has been completed.
The proof of delivery feature enabled in the Driver App serves a dual purpose. It helps track the delivery status to customers & ops manager and allows the driver to get documented approval from customers post-delivery.

Does your business need proof of delivery?

If you wish to avoid and minimize the frictions between customers and your delivery agents, you certainly need to embrace proof of delivery.
Still not sure whether you should go for it or not? Read on the potential benefits of adding POD in your delivery business.

Say no to PaperWork

Does your operational team spend most of its time managing entries in a logbook to keep track of the status of deliveries? The time-consuming process needs to be replaced if you wish to build a productive team. With a single feature addition — “ Proof of delivery” in your delivery app — you are likely to achieve it. A time frame as short as three days is enough to transit your paper-loaded operations into a digital process of getting proof of delivery.
This will free up your ops team for higher-value tasks. Isn’t it a wise decision to make?

Jump to point 5 to know how to enhance team productivity

Enhance Workforce Productivity

Are your delivery drivers reaching customers on time? As a marketplace aggregator, you need to focus on your field agents’ productivity every time they are out for the job.
We are sure that you might be doing every bit to make it happen, but is there any room left for improvement? Certainly yes. If you have not experienced the benefits of Proof of Delivery in your business, you must give it a try. You will find:

  1. Your field agents can complete more tasks per day because of quicker on-site processes
  2. You can keep an eye on the high and low performers in the team
  3. Your ops team will be free for higher-value tasks after the removal of manual data entry work

Also Read: 5-step plan to enhance the productivity of your field agents.

Refine the last-mile delivery process

No matter how perfect you are initially, what matters, in the end, is your business “last-mile efficacy”. Your delivery business needs to be perfect in its last leg of the journey.
Get your fleet’s last-mile status easily managed and tracked with POD. The admin can get the attachments synchronized to orders via the dashboard. You can ask the field agent out for delivery to either capture a customer e-sign, a live photo, or a text note to be uploaded as soon as the delivery is made.
Businesses that had embraced the concept of proof of delivery have found lesser grievances and frictions associated with delivery processes. POD can be a better option if:

  1. In case delivery is at a different location than the customer address in the system. The driver can document the delivery done to the right place by taking a photo through POD feature.
  2. If a customer is using his own delivery apps, geotags with expected location helps to get Proof of delivery status checked by analysing the location timeline.

Know how HyperTrack can empower your business last mile process

HyperTrack: Filling the gaps with technology

Think about this.
A “7 years old” completed his homework and was ready to submit it. His friend told him the answer to some of the questions that he had left midway. Now, he has two choices.

  1. He will submit the work without adding those answers
  2. He will add the answers and submit the work

“What will he choose?”

HyperTrack is your friend asking you to fill all the answers, and relaunch your delivery processes to get exceptional results.
Let’s connect to discuss your decision. Happy to help.

