The all new HyperTrack dashboard

Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2016

We received a ton of feature requests and feedback on the dashboard that we released along with the HyperTrack public Beta release a couple of months ago. Many iterations, beers, Murphy interventions and comfort food later, we are now announcing the release of HyperTrack dashboard v2. Here is what’s new.

God-view of your drivers

One of the most common feature request by our users was for a view where they can see where all of their drivers are right now. Now when you sign-in to HyperTrack dashboard, the very first view gives you a quick snapshot of where everyone is. You can hover over each of the driver markers to see more details about the driver, or click on the marker to go to the detail page of the driver.


You can also choose to see only those drivers who are actively performing a task e.g. a pickup, delivery or visit. Alternatively, you can choose to see only those drivers who are idle, and therefore available for assigning a task.

Real-time alerts

On the same dashboard page, you would see a live feed of alerts. These alerts are like a Facebook feed telling you what is happening with your drivers on the ground. For example, your driver Landon just started a trip, or your driver Julie is running late for her next delivery, or driver Antwon just completed a delivery and is now available for assignment.


Richer polylines

In the earlier version of dashboard, you were able to see the accurate polyline for a live task and replay a historical task to see when and where the driver was by the minute . We have now added more richness to these polylines by annotating events that took place during the journey.



Our Beta release enabled users to track one task at a time. We had a number of users who wanted to track their workforce through the shift, i.e. when the drivers are logged in, whether actively performing a task or available to be assigned one. We have now added support for tracking shifts. Read these docs on how to start shift tracking from your app.

Screenshot 2016-09-13 12.11.52.png

Once you start using shift tracking, you would be able to get live location of your driver at any point of time during the shift. This would help you with assignments. Additionally, you would also be able to measure the utilization (total time and distance travelled) of each of your drivers through the shift. The cost of the mobile workforce is usually a function of these two underlying parameters — time and distance. Companies are now using HyperTrack to verify the reimbursements and incentive calculations. You can too.

We hope that you like the new dashboard, and would give HyperTrack a shot. If you like what you see, sign up for HyperTrack.

