Why HeyTaxi is counting on HyperTrack

HyperTrack User
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2016

This is a guest post by Manoj Maheshwari, founder and CEO of HeyTaxi, a cool ride-sharing service in Mumbai that connects commuters and riders to beat the rush hour on bikes.

I first got to know about HyperTrack in a Twitter conversation with Kashyap in September last year. He and his team had just started and claimed that their tracking experience for rides is cooler than Uber’s. I have been in the transport and logistics industry for over two decades now, and used to provide a fleet of drivers to Uber since the early days of their entry in the Indian market. My ride sharing app for two wheelers was taking off faster than I had imagined in Mumbai, and I did not have a large technology team like Uber, Ola and other app-based taxi companies.

I instantly connected with HyperTrack’s solution and was quite impressed with the team they were building and the approach they were taking to solving the problem. I am not much of a technologist but I could see the benefit of providing tracking-as-a-service through APIs so my team could build our features, interfaces and workflows on top of it the way we wanted. As an app-based urban transport provider, tracking is core to my business for many reasons — showing available inventory to customers, efficiently assigning ride requests to drivers, letting our customers accurately track their ride as it comes to them, lettings customers share their ride status with their friends when they are on the way, metering the trip for billing and audit purposes, monitoring live rides to ensure safe & smooth operations and analyzing all of this data to constantly improve the business.

I do not believe that any off-the-shelf software can fulfill all my needs and I also do not believe that building an expensive technology team to build everything in-house is the right way to go either. I want software that is cheaper to build and operate than doing it in-house, yet meets the expectations of demanding customers who are used to a certain level of experience that they are used to. HyperTrack fits the bill very well for us. I can pick and choose what I use it for and not. I can scale my usage up or down based on what makes business sense to me rather than getting locked into contracts with service providers and vendors who charge a bomb while I take all the risk. My core business is transportation and logistics, and I can beat any competitor on the quality of service for my customers. Now, HyperTrack lets me compete on the technology front as well.

I have been an early user and have seen the product evolve to what it is now. The team is supportive and great to work with. I would recommend HyperTrack to any ride sharing company that is looking to implement tracking service and want to do more with less engineers.

