Introducing “A Developer Story”

Gerald Nash
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2017


While the developer community continues to grow and more talented and interesting individuals enter the scene, I feel that their stories should be shared. For this reason, I will be starting a new series called A Developer Story.

In each Developer Story, I’ll be asking a series of questions (technical and non-technical) that will help us get to know the devs more personally. This will ultimately help bring together the developer community by sharing experiences and interests that many of us may share. And, as time progresses, I hope that I will have the chance to interview developers of all types: high profile developers, up-and-coming developers, and even beginning coders.

Another reason that I’m starting A Developer Story is because I, myself, had trouble meeting other developers, and I think that a series like this would help others who are in that same position get in touch with interesting programmers.

If you have anybody in mind whom I should interview or if you would like to be interviewed, please email me or contact me on Twitter.

