Event Spotlight: Topic of the Week

Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2022

On the Hypeverse, mindshare is an important part of our recipe for a strong Web3 community. We are after all in the infancy of a budding industry, one which can only benefit from the sharing of knowledge, concepts, ideas, and desires. Even the biggest and greatest ideas are birthed from a simple thought or a conversation between friends.

Thus, it’s only natural that we’d try to foster such an environment, where users are encouraged to share their views, ask their questions, or raise their concerns for us all to discuss together as a group.

Now in its 3rd week, the ongoing Hypeverse ‘Topic of the Week’ event is becoming a favorite among regular Settlers, as they check in daily to see new additions and keep up with the conversation.

The first presented topic was a simple one. “Music in the NFT space” was enough to stir some good conversation among Settlers.
Two of our regular Settlers, Breedindeath and SebiAk, really got into it. Even within music lovers, there are so many genres that opinions on NFTs in music differ even on this scale.

As members of the Hypeverse ourselves, it warms our hearts to see users respecting each other as well as openly disagreeing with each other while managing to keep the chat pleasant and constructive. That’s a rarity on the internet these days, and we’re working hard to foster an environment and growth that can sustain this kind of positivity.

A later topic was more along the lines of what you might see on your average cryptocurrency twitter thread, but even here we were surprised at the contributions of our Settlers.

On the topic of ‘favorite altcoins’, it’s unsurprising that users have strong opinions. What is surprising is the general air of positive exchange happening here.

Each week we present a topic for discussion on the Hypeverse, bringing Settlers together to have a constructive chat about something relating to the industry. It can be serious or somewhat whimsical, but should always relate to video games, cryptocurrency, Web3, and everything in between. Our community is also very diverse, with users from across the globe coming together in one place to offer varied points of view, furthering our discussions and opening our eyes wider than before. We think any community that can do this is pretty special — and thus we thank you for being a part of it. Even if at the end of the discussions we haven’t learned anything (usually, we have!), the real gift is the friends we made along the way.

If you’d like to join in, and add your voice to the discussion, join any of the numerous daily activities and events we have, or simple just to look around, we’d be more than happy to have you. You can join our official Discord server by clicking here.

