As a Hypnotherapist, how best do I share my hypnotherapy track?

Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2018

You may have one track or many tracks, but you have the same problem: how do I share my Hypnotherapy track with my clients?

This is a great opportunity to project a more professional image for your practice, reduce admin on your side, and improve the rate at which your client listens to your track (therefore improving your service).

What is important when sharing your tracks?

The goal here is to encourage the client to use your track as much as possible to supplement your service.

To do this, we consider the following two criteria to be the most important:

  • Control of the track (you want to be able to restrict access if the client leaves you, for example)
  • Easy process (i.e to access the track it takes a minimal amount of effort on behalf of the client)

As none of the current solutions meet each of the criteria, we set about developing our own platform specifically for Hypnotherapist’s that did. We call it Hypnostream.

Control? You retain control on Hypnostream because the source file is never sent to the client. Plus you have the ability to switch off public access to a track if you’re ever worried it is being used by someone who is not your client.

Easy process? We’ve built it so your client can go from receiving a link to listening to your track in one click. This reduces the friction in the process and encourages the client to listen to your track. Your client can also save your track to their account so they can listen to it repeatedly.

Try us out for free at and let us know your thoughts. We have some exciting updates in 2019 including the ability to listen to tracks offline (i.e without having an internet connection).

With every update, we intend to move us further towards being the easiest process to listen to your tracks, whilst retaining control.

What are the other options?

CDs; unfortunately CD player ownership has declined rapidly and your clients are unlikely to own one nowadays. The cost of this method may make it also prohibitively expensive.

USB stick; the main issue with this method is the convenience of it. It will require a desktop or laptop to listen to, with neither providing as much convenience as being able to listen through your smartphone.

Dropbox link; the benefit of this is that you can access it through your smartphone, but it provides a very messy and confusing experience to your client, and you lose control of your source file.

We would love to hear from you around your experiences of sharing your tracks. What features would you love to see? We’ve built our feature roadmap around feedback from Hypnotherapist’s who use our platform, so if you want it, let us know and we may build it for you.

