How do I share my Hypnotherapy tracks with Hypnostream?

Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2019

So you’ve already uploaded your Hypnotherapy track and you’re buzzing to get them across to your clients? But how on earth do I do that, I hear you ask?

Lets walk through it.

  1. Navigate to your Dashboard by signing in to your account at Hypnostream, and pressing the “Dashboard” option in the menu at the top of the screen.
  2. You should see your track listed, along with the buttons “Share” and “Delete”. Press the “Share” button (highlighted below).

3. You will be presented with a popup that gives you two options. These are the ways that you can share your track with Hypnostream.

Option 1 is “Send link manually”. This will generate a unique URL which you can share with your client however you wish. This could mean you copy it and display it on your website (if, for example, you had a public track that everyone can view), or you could send the link directly to your client in a Whatsapp message, via Facebook, via Email or via Text etc. This option gives you a tonne of flexibility.

When the client navigates to the link provided, they will be presented with their custom listening environment just like the below. Simple, clean and uncluttered.

Option 2 is for “Hypnostream to send link”. If you select this option, you will be presented with a few fields that need to be completed in order for us to send your client the link:

Your clients name — this allows us to address your client in the email so that they know it is not fake.

Your clients email address — this is so that we know who to email

Neither of these two details are kept, and are only used for the individual email sending the link to your client.

A copy of the email wording is as below (we are planning on releasing a future update that will allow you to edit the wording of the email yourself):

Hi [Client’s Name],

See below for your hypnotherapy track that your Hypnotherapist (in cc) has sent via Hypnostream.

If you have any questions about your track, please contact your Hypnotherapist (in cc) directly.

Your track: [Track link goes here]

Hypnostream is a minimalist listening environment for Hypnotherapist’s to share their tracks with clients. If you have any questions about our platform, please do not hesitate to contact myself on

If the above link does not work, please copy and paste this URL into your internet browser:

[Track URL goes here]

Kind regards,

Greg and the Hypnostream team.

