We’re live! 🚀

Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2018

Super excited to announce that we are live with our track distribution platform, built exclusively for Hypnotherapists.

We’ve had a beta version out for two months, with around 60 beta users providing us incredibly helpful insights into how Hypnotherapist’s use our platform.

A BIG thank you to all that have signed up, engaged with, and picked holes in Hypnostream! We’re going to continue in the exact same fashion, but are now opening it up to the whole world.

I recognise that for a great deal of you reading this blog, this will be the first time you would have heard of our platform.

So what is Hypnostream?

Hypnostream is a platform for Hypnotherapists to share their hypnotherapy tracks with their clients, easily and professionally.

Why would a Hypnotherapist use Hypnostream?

To improve the experience of their client, keep a central repository of their tracks, and to increase the control they have over their tracks (as we are currently a streaming service, no source files ever reach the hands of the client).

What will be featured on this blog?

This blog will become more focused over time, but I will be using this blog to cover a variety of subjects (not all Hypnotherapy or Hypnostream related!):

  • How to use Hypnostream
  • Info on how to create your own hypnotherapy tracks
  • Insight into the development process for Hypnostream
  • Any new feature releases
  • Updates on growing a bootstrapped software business

If anyone has any questions please feel free to reach out on greg@hypnostream.co.uk or visit our platform on hypnostream.co.uk.

Until next time,


