Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2021


Fueling the tech efforts for the MVP

I am Tholkappiyan, a typical boy next door personality. The decision to become a software developer was taken at the age of 15 when I first started learning & writing computer programs as part of my class 11 course. Naturally, I went to complete my under graduation in Computer Science & Engineering. In spite of having job offers from larger organisations, I chose to join a “tiny” 😅 startup called Freshdesk (now Freshworks), where I was part of 3 different products over 5+ years.

During my tenure at Freshworks, the startup bug bit me 😃. I was always active in exploring various domains where a tech product can have a huge impact and would participate in various hackathons to test out my hypotheses. One such space was offline retail. When Aravind reached out via LinkedIn, I was highly intrigued and connected with him. After a fleeting 90 days, I was part of Hypto.

Now that I have taken over the tech front, it was my responsibility to add fuel to the current product & tech efforts in progress and take the product live.

The high level tasks are as follows:

  1. Bring the front-end development from the agency to in-house.
  2. Take over the back-end efforts from the freelance architect.
  3. Get infosec compliance to store payment data.
  4. Integrate with a service provider to get the payment details to process the loyalty rewards.

How we approached the individual action items and our experiences with each will be shared in upcoming posts.

