Supervised Learning: Classification VS Regression

Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018

In supervised learning, the data has a supervisor (label) to help learn the mapping function. An input variable (x) and an output variable (y) are paired together and put into the ‘black box’ to produce Y=f(X).

Teacher (Y) supervising her student (X)

The goal is to approximate the mapping function so that you can predict the output variable even with new input data (x). (Conversely, data fed in unsupervised learning does not have labels)

Supervised learning can be divided into two categories of:

  1. Classification
  2. Regression

All supervised algorithms belong to at least one kind, and I felt before delving into specific algorithms, I needed to get a clear distinction between these.

Just to note, this whole problem of learning a mapping function from inputs (x) to outputs (y) is called predictive modeling.

One liner:

  • Classification predicts a label
    Q: Is the input a picture of a dog?
    A: Yup.
  • Regression predicts a quantity
    Q: How much will a cup of coffee cost in 10 years?
    A: 11$

More Precisely…

— Classification Problem:

Examples are classified into one of 2 or more classes

Can have real-valued or discrete input variables

Binary Classification (2 class), Multiclass classification (more than 2)

— Regression Problem: outputs a specific quantity

Real or discrete input variables

Current ML issues including object detection problems can be thought of as classification problems because the algorithm is actually trying to classify objects into different categories (dogs, cats, human… etc)

