Hæd Exchange

Bringing design, technology and business together

Zakhar Day
Hæd Exchange Universal


Русский | English

The tech industry today is developing fast as never before. Everyday we see updates to standards, instruments, apps and services. Communication media are improving and an online environment for knowledge sharing and skill accumulation is developing.

The world we live in is experiencing a global systemic crisis paralleled with the genesis of the new economy. It’s a world, where the utility criterion of individuals, companies, governments, products and solutions is critical.

Having worked for big advertising agencies and technological companies we couldn’t find sufficient opportunities to apply our systems thinking skills and fulfilling our ambitions in changing work processes. We’ve united to create our own company, where everything is going to be different.

In our work we are inspired by the Agile manifesto and the Software Craftmanship manifesto, by Mark Zuckerberg’s IPO letter and Elon Musk’s public speeches. We remember Steve Jobs and value his ideological contribution to shaping todays digital reality.

We research the approaches to organizing work, which were developed by Toyota, adopted by a range of tech companies and proved to be worthy. We are proud of TRIZ — the theory of inventive problem solving, developed by the Soviet inventor Genrich Altshuller and we use it in our work.

We are grateful to wonderful engineers from all over the world for their input in development of open source libraries, which we use in our work on a daily basis; for the opportunities for development of the new economy, cryptocurrency, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing models.

We are specifically grateful to GitHub and StackExchange for their unmatched contribution to development of social coding, design and professional online communities as a whole.

We would also like to give our special thanks to:

By combining design approaches, technology and business, the community of professionals and transparency in interactions, together we can make the world a little better.

We are Hæd Exchange co-founders Zakhar Day and Sasha Ermolenko and this is our manifesto.



Zakhar Day
Hæd Exchange Universal

Head of the Chair of Design and Programming of the HSE (National Research University Higher School of Economics) Art And Design School