I-Ally’s New Behavior Change Programs

Lucinda Koza
Published in
1 min readFeb 1, 2021


I-Ally is a community-driven app that saves millennial family caregivers time, reduces stress, and enables informed decision-making by providing the services and support that fulfill their unique needs.

Lucinda Koza founded I-Ally after her own experience becoming her father’s full-time caregiver at a young age. The lack of support she experienced spurred Mrs. Koza to dedicate her life’s mission to advocating for and giving voice to millions of invisible laborers in the US and beyond.

I-Ally has partnered with Evolution Health Systems to offer this anonymous, self-guided behavior-change program for millennials. If you are feeling depressed, are anxious, if you want to quit smoking, decrease or quit drinking, or achieve a healthy weight — you’ve come to the right place. If you’d like to speak to other millennials who are trying to make a change feel free to visit our moderated support community.

Are you a millennial that needs more help or support? Find out more at I-Ally.

Sign up for one of these programs here.



Lucinda Koza
Editor for

Founder of I-Ally, an app for millennial family caregivers. Thought Leader. New mother of twins. I seek to amplify voices that may be otherwise kept silent.