On Becoming a Writer

My thoughts

Jeremy January
I am a Writer


There are a million people out there that consider themselves writers. Some of them talk a lot about writing, their latest ideas for screenplays, novels or whatever. They might even own a Moleskine or a legitimate version of Final Draft. You know what we have that many of them don’t?

A lot of writing.

That’s what makes a writer. Not brilliant ideas or expensive software. To be a writer you need only write and write a lot. A writer will write anywhere, on anything. A notebook, a napkin, the back of their hand.

Writers write.

Here are a few more things writers should do.

  • Write every day.
  • Read.
  • Keep an idea notebook.
  • Have favorite authors.
  • Blog.

Here are a few things writers should not do.

  • Compare their work to other writers.
  • Wait for inspiration to strike.
  • Give up.

Follow those steps and you’re a really real writer.



Jeremy January
I am a Writer

Space adventure lifestyle writer and freelance biographer of washed-up swashbucklers. Occasional Essayist. JJanuary.com