Branding Pinterest: How to Brand Your Pinterest Profile

This month we’ve taken an in-depth look into Branding You. As I’ve said before I believe branding is the single most important thing an entrepreneur can do for themselves and business. Today we will be discussing branding Pinterest.

How do you carry your brand across the different social media platforms? I’ll be discussing this in the next few months. I plan on each month diving deep into a different social media platform and in the month of February, our focus will be on Pinterest.

Pinterest is highly underutilized in the business world. People think of it as just another social media platform and mostly for DIY crafters and Brides to be. But, in actuality, Pinterest is more than that. Just like Google, Pinterest is a powerful search engine.

A pin can last up to 80% longer on Pinterest than any other type of social media posting. So I believe it’s very important to your business and growth. But it’s just as important to keep your brand intact across all platforms.

I’m going to give you 4 epic ways to keep brand consistency on Pinterest.

Branding Pinterest- 1)Make Custom Cover Images

Pinterest profiles are made up of pins and boards. For more on getting started on Pinterest check out my blog post on Setting Up Pinterest for Business.

Each board you create on Pinterest allows you to create a larger board cover to represent the board. I recommend using Canva to create your board covers. Canva is my go-to for all things graphics. You can easily create post images, your pin designs, inspirational quotes all for free using your own photos or their vast library of stock images.

Create a graphic with custom dimensions of 425×425 pixels. Then upload the pin, add the board’s link as the pin’s backlink, and use the board’s description for the pin’s description. Then set the board cover as that pin in the board settings.

I am personally working on creating matching graphics for all my boards. I want one cohesive brand look. But until you have this done you can pick a pin from the board and set it as your cover. If you keep the pins you choose as board cover stylistically consistent with each other, this can create consistency in your brand.

Branding Pinterest: 2) Choose Board Names Wisely

I know that creating a fun and entertaining name for your pin boards may seem like a great idea. But, for business purposes you board names need to be clear and searchable.

You want to have a similar flow for each one so that it creates fluidity in your brand. This means that when someone scans your boards they know immediately what you and your brand are all about.

You want to include simple keywords in your board descriptions so that they will be easily found. Instead of naming your board “Yummy in My Tummy” you would be better served naming it “Awesome 30 Minute Meal Recipes.” This way when someone types those keywords into the search bar your board will come up immediately.

Branding Pinterest: 3) Clear Account Description

Your bio and name are just as important on Pinterest as your board description. Again you want to include keywords of what a person can expect from your profile.

Keep your bio and name concise and on brand. If you are a travel blogger it is a great idea to include that in your name Kate Smith| Travel Blogger. For instance, my profile name includes my name, my business name and what I primarily do: Fancy M. I Am Butterfly Bound+Marketing+Inspiration+Blogging

Then I continue this keyword filling in my bio: Network Marketing, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook & Blogging Success Tips to Build Your Brand & Profit| Start tackling your Brand now>>

I used keywords so that people visiting my profile have a clear picture of how I can help them. I also included a link to my blog. You can link to your freebie offer as well but since I give a new freebie away each week I choose just to direct them to the blog.

Branding Pinterest: 4) Share a Mix of Content

The key to success on Pinterest is not just sharing your own content. In fact, I recommend that 20% of the content you share be your own and 80% be from other experts in your niche. Pinterest wants to see that you are an expert in your niche and you can solidify this by sharing from other respected individuals.

It’s kind of like riding the tailwinds. You can share from already established voices and instantly be grouped with them. Don’t be afraid that your audience will go to these people instead of you for advice. Instead by providing a wealth of companion advice in your niche you will become the source of information your community likes, trusts and knows and they will come to you first.

Branding Pinterest: In Conclusion

Using Pinterest will grow your following and your business wicked fast. I didn’t see huge growth until I figured out how to use Pinterest. Now I get tons of viewers on my blog that come back and have signed up for my email list. This allows me to have an engaged community of followers who share my content and ultimately buy my products and services.

Pinterest users are ready to buy. They know what they are looking for and they come ready to learn and engage. Creating a good brand presence on Pinterest should be huge in your marketing strategy.

Next month we will be focusing in on Pinterest tips and tools so be sure and stay tuned. Our Free resource this week is our Pinterest Basics for Bloggers Guide (but it can be useful to you even if you don’t blog). Click the button below to download.

Free Resource: Pinterest Basics for Bloggers Guide

Don’t Forget It: Pin It

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help You Rock Your Biz

This post contains referral/affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please refer to my Privacy & Disclosure Policy.

My Lead System Pro- Learn More

There was a time where I was struggling every day to grow my business. Where all I ever got were people who didn’t want what I was offering. I thought I’d never make it and I thought there had to be another way. I was shown a system that my mentor and friend, Tanya Aliza was a big part of. And it’s been invaluable. I now generate leads and prospects in my sleep. It has amazing training for all aspects of growing your business on all the different platforms. I’m happy to offer you a risk-free trial for only $10.00 It’s honestly been the best $10 I ever spent.

I Am Butterfly Bound Badass Boss Babe Group- Learn More

I’ve recently created my own Bad Ass Boss Babe group where ambitious moms can come and lift each other up. We share ideas, tips, tools, and inspiration. It’s a small group so you won’t get lost and we will be glad to have you join us!

Other Relevant Blog Post-

Branding Yourself: What is Branding and Why Is It Important?

Finding Your Niche: Not Everyone is Your Tribe

Brand Consistency: The Truth Behind Why Consistency Is So Important

Setting Up Pinterest for Business

Did you get some value from this Branding on Pinterest training? Each week I pour my heart and soul into giving you amazing value to help you create your best life. I hope this gave you value. If it did please like, comment, and share. Monday’s I post a new Motivational post and free resource on my blog. Tuesday’s I give you amazing Team Building Tips Live on my Facebook page (postponed until the first week of Feb.) so stay connected.

Be Unapologetically You, Because You Are The Only You… drop a comment below.

Question of the week: How are you using Pinterest to grow your brand?

Share in the comments below because I’d love to know!

Join the Conversation, You Bad Ass Boss Babe…

If You Found Value Please Share the Love & Give Us a Clap!

Originally published at on January 28, 2019.



Franchesca Macelli
I Am Butterfly Bound- Social Media Tips To Live By

Owner of The Good Wives' Network streaming on Roku, Amazon TV, & Android TV. Founder of Stop the Cycle Of Abuse Program a nonprofit dedicated to preventing IPV.