Create Pinterest Content: Create a Month of Pins Using Only 3 Blog Posts

Pinterest is more than a social media platform. You hear me say this a lot. It’s actually a visual search engine. So it thrives on content. So, none to say the least business owners are very important to Pinterest. Business owners who create Pinterest content keep Pinterest going.

Pinterest loves new content and it pushes that new content to the front of the platform. So, if you’re a business owner who loves to create Pinterest content, Pinterest loves you too.

There are over 1.5 million businesses on Pinterest so with those many businesses out there all working to create Pinterest content how do you compete?

The more you create Pinterest content the better you are going to rank, the more traffic you’re going to see and the more sales you’re going to convert.

You might thin great so basically what you are saying is I’m not doing enough. Do I need to be out there blogging every day so I have enough content?

It might just be easier than you think. I’m going to show you how to create Pinterest content that will fill an entire month of daily postings using only 3 blog posts.

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Create Pinterest Content- 30 Days of Daily Content

So, you’re ready to create Pinterest content but what if you only are just starting out blogging and you don’t have a whole lot of content?

The truth is with only 3 blog posts you can create enough content to have 1 pin a day of your own original content.

3 (blog posts) x 2 (headlines) x 5 (pin designs) = 30 pins

So it doesn’t matter how many or how little blog posts you have, the answer is the same.


I’m going to show you the exact steps I take to create 10 pins for one piece of content.

Create Pinterest Content- Choose Your Best Performing Blogs Posts

When trying to pick the 3 blog posts to start out you want to choose your best-performing ones.

Identifying your best performing posts is simple. Check out Google analytics and search Pinterest keywords to determine what is best, to begin with.

Head over to my blog post from last week, Pinterest Ranking: How to Rank First on Pinterest Every Time

So I’m going to choose:

Create Pinterest Content- Create 2 Headlines

Alright, so you’ve selected your three blog posts. Now, it’s time to create 2 headlines for them. Here are the 2 headlines I created for my post about Brand Consistency.

These Pins compliment each other but convey slightly different messages using slightly different keywords.

So now if you’ve done this for 3 blog post you should have 6 potential pins. Let’s turn that 6 into 30 shall we?

Create Pinterest Content- Create 5 Different Pins Per Headline

Have you heard of Canva? It’s my goto for content graphics. I love it. It’s way more user-friendly than Photoshop and it’s pre-loaded with thousands of free stock photos.

You know I’m all about working smarter not harder so I went ahead and grabbed a business account but they have a free account that works just fine. But the business account allowed me to create templates so I upgraded and I set up all kinds of templates including my Pin designs.

Even I’ve morphed some since I began with this idea. I started with just 5 designs and 2 headlines but over time I created 10 unique pin templates. I’ve even changed out a few since this post. And the cool thing is it takes me maybe 15 minutes to create all 10 designs even if I decide to change out a graphic.

So, if you’ve done this with each of your 3 blog posts you should have 30 pins now.

Create Pinterest Content- Final Step Let’s Get Pinning

You have a few options when it comes to what you do with your pins.

  1. Manually Post Them- This would require you to go in each day and pin one of the 30 pins. This would give you at least one pin a day for 30 days. Now I personally recommend between 20 and 30 pins a day for you to really utilize Pinterest properly but remember that does not have to be all your own content. In fact, it should be largely shared content from other reputable sources. Check out more on getting started on Pinterest for Business right.
  2. Use An Auto Scheduler- You would do better instead of going to Pinterest each day and pinning it manually to use an auto scheduler. You can load your content and find content from other Pinners in your niche all in one place. I personally love Tailwind. Get a free trial with signup through the link. If you’d like an additional free month join my Tribe.

Here are the steps for adding new Pins (that have never been saved to Pinterest) to your Tailwind Schedule:

  1. Upload a new image by clicking on “+Create New Pin
  2. Insert the board(s) you want to schedule this pin to
  3. Add a description you want to be shared
  4. Insert the URL for your blog post
  5. Add to your queue, tribes, a smart loop, or click the little clock symbol to schedule these pins using intervals
  6. I personally use and recommend scheduling these new pins on intervals (1 a day over 30 days) to the new boards that you want them saved to.

3. Add All Your Pins Directly to Your Blog Post- You don’t want to clutter up your blog post with 10 Pins so you’ll want to use a tool called Tasty Pins to add them without cluttering everything. There are other benefits to using this tool as well. More on Tasty Pins here.

Create Pinterest Content- In Conclusion:

So there you have it. Everything you need to create 30 pins from only 3 blog posts. Hopefully, this inspires you to get some pinning done. If you are still unsure of how to use Pinterest for Business download my Free Pinterest Basics for Newbie Blogger (not just for bloggers lol). Click the button below.

Free Resource: Pinterest Basics for Bloggers Guide

Don’t Forget It: Pin It

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help You Rock Your Biz

Canva– A great source for creating beautiful graphics.

Tailwind — Automation, in my opinion, is one of the biggest resources that an entrepreneur needs to create more content and to have time freedom. Tailwind is great for scheduling your pins.

Tasty Pins– This tool is beyond helpful. There are a plethora of things that you can do. One of them is hiding pins in your blog post to give you more content without cluttering your blog up.

I Am Butterfly Bound Momprenuer Group- Learn More

I’ve recently created my own momprenuer group where ambitious moms can come and lift each other up. We share ideas, tips, tools and inspiration. It’s a small group so you won’t get lost and we will be glad to have you join us!

Other Relevant Blog Post-

Pinterest Ranking: How to Rank First on Pinterest Every Time

Brand Consistency

Pinterest for Business

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Question of the week: How do you use Pinterest to grow your business.

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Originally published at on February 12, 2019.



Franchesca Macelli
I Am Butterfly Bound- Social Media Tips To Live By

Owner of The Good Wives' Network streaming on Roku, Amazon TV, & Android TV. Founder of Stop the Cycle Of Abuse Program a nonprofit dedicated to preventing IPV.