How to Re-Purpose Content to Save Time and Gain New Followers!

How many times have you sat down to create content and drawn a blank? It happens to me all the time. There are often times I just don’t feel like creating a new blog post. Writer's block happens to bloggers too. Sometimes I sit down and crank out an entire month of posts and sometimes I sit and stare at my screen for hours. LOL. The answer I have found that helps me when I feel like this is re-purpose content I already have in a new way.

It’s possible that the content you already have can be turned into something new and fresh. Something you can expand on in a video or an e-book.

Why Should I Re-Purpose Content?

When you first start out using a re-purpose content schedule it may seem time-consuming and tedious but once you have the hang of it, you will see that is is a huge time saver and can actually increase your visibility.

4 Main Reasons to Re-Purpose Content

Reason 1: Free Up Time

If you use a schedule to re-purpose content you can save yourself many hours creating and promoting new content. This frees you up for the things you got into a home business for in the first place.

Reason 2: Gain More Exposure

By using a re-purpose content extension across all platforms this will give you extra exposure. Instead of creating content that is different for each thing you just take what you have and present it differently or go a little more in depth. This allows you to create NEW content less often.

Reason 3: Expert Status

Using re-purpose content you create a more expert look in your niche as they check into each platform and learn more. This creates authority for you naturally.

Reason 4: Great for SEO

It’s an SEO campaign that works organically by giving you natural backlinks to your website and blog.

Ideas for Ways to Repurpose Content

One of the easiest ways to re-purpose content from your blog is to turn the main paints into a slide show. You’ll find that you can get lots of use from PowerPoint slides down the line as we move through these strategies, like using them for creating videos or for creating PDF’s.

Make use of free stock photos and elements you can find on places like Creative Market. See how you can take a plain paragraph and add visual content to it all so that you are creating something visual and new. Try to use different color fonts for adding impact and drawing attention to key elements inside of your blog post.

Did you know that you can save PowerPoint Presentations in landscape as well as portrait modes? Allowing you to re-purpose content in many different ways easily.

Use ScreenCast- O- Matic, Windows Movie Maker or any other movie maker to turn the re-purpose content into a video presentation. Use the PowerPoint slides and record an audio track over them including music. Don’t forget to include a slide with your website URL on it so people know where to go for more info.

If the thought of doing video scares the heck out of you don’t worry for this you don’t even have to appear on camera. You can just record audio. Then edit it. I know editing sounds like hard work but here’s a quick tutorial from my friends at ScreenCast- O- Matic explaining how easy it really is.

Once you’ve edited everything you can share it on YouTube and re-purpose the content over and over. You can also share the heck out of it on other social media platforms.

Another great way to re-purpose the content is to turn the slides into a PDF or an E-Book. You can offer this as a single page PDF or a multiple page E-Book. You would re-purpose the content back onto your blog and social media as an Irresistible Free Offer. Once you re-purpose the content using this type of form you can now create a sales page and a new blog post introducing the Freebie. Once again extending its original value.

I recently found this amazing site that allows you to host a Free Podcast. I haven’t recorded any podcasts as of yet but I plan on launching the podcast in the New Year.

Taking the content you re-purpose and creating a podcast can be as easy as reading the slides or post aloud. You could also take a topic and expand on it or interview another expert in the field.

Break your content up and re-purpose it into an email auto response campaign using an Email Automated System like Aweber. I’ve tried out a few and they all have great benefits but this one seems to be the easiest and best at this time.

You can divide the content into 2 or 3 new emails and with just a tiny bit of expansion, you’ve now re-purposed content easily again. This allows you to have greater access to your audience and you can re-direct them back to your blog.

Schedule your messages to go out weekly, or you could actually repeat this step until you have lots of automated messages queued up in your autoresponder so you have emails going to your audience frequently and are always driving traffic to those older blog posts. This is so freaking smart!!!! The circle of content life!!!!!

In the emails, you can send them back to the blog by only using the main points and directing them to the blog or other content that you have created.

These three types of re-purpose content are all very similar. You can easily create an infographic or a Mind map, plus create a simple checklist with your content. Using something as simple as google docs to do this would be all you need. You can get fancy if you want and create your graphics or your checklist in Photoshop or Canva too.

Canva is my go-to for all graphics creation including E-books and PDF’s.

I share all my blog posts across Social Media. The method I use is I copy snippets from the blog and turn them into posts sending people to my blog and I use a CTA (Call to Action) to get people sharing it.

I also host all my blog posts in a tool called ReCur Post. It creates a sharing schedule for all your content. Re-purpose Content on autopilot. BRILLIANT.

I am a huge believer in live video. It’s one of the fastest ways to grow engagement. The way I use Facebook live to re-purpose my content is on Monday I make my original blog post and then on Tuesday I pull out one or 2 key points and do a live session on it. I allow viewers to comment and I answer questions. Then I direct them to my blog for more information.

It’s a continuous feed of sending people to my blog then back to my Facebook page, then back to the blog.

Recently I discovered Facebook Group Units. OMG! Where have these things been all my life? I can re-purpose content into small units add in some practical homework tasks and I have now taught a man to fish instead of just giving him a fish.

You can also re-purpose content into group training posts or answer questions in the group.

Most guest blog hosts want original content but there is no reason you can’t re-purpose the content in a fresh way. This again creates backlinks to your original post and credibility with a new audience as well as your own.

Being a guest blogger makes you seem relevant because others want your opinion and expertise as well.

It’s great to offer amazing Free content but let’s face it we are all in business to make money. So, why not re-purpose content into a paid course. Often when people share for free they show you the what but not the exact how.

In your free content share about a topic and then direct your audience to a more inclusive and practical use course. Expand on what you already have. Take it in a deeper direction or offer private coaching on

Repurpose Content: In Conclusion:

I know it seems like a lot of work to put these re-purpose content skills into practice but once you get a system going it actually saves you tons of time. I have found that I work less and less these days while getting more and more cash flow and clients. This allows me time to offer more services and help my clients and it also allows me more free time to do things I love.

To help with your new ways to re-purpose content is my Weekly Freebie.

Free Resource: Re-Purpose Content Scheduler

Just follow the link under the purple button below and download the spreadsheet.

Don’t Forget It: Pin It

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help You Rock Your Biz

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My Lead System Pro- Learn More

There was a time where I was struggling every day to grow my business. Where all I ever got were people who didn’t want what I was offering. I thought I’d never make it and I thought there had to be another way. I was shown a system that my mentor and friend, Tanya Aliza was a big part of. And it’s been invaluable.

I now generate leads and prospects in my sleep. It has amazing training for all aspects of growing your business on all the different platforms. I’m happy to offer you a risk free trial for only $10.00 It’s honestly been the best $10 I ever spent.

I Am Butterfly Bound Momprenuer Group- Learn More

I’ve recently created my own momprenuer group where ambitious moms can come and lift each other up. We share ideas, tips, tools and inspiration. It’s a small group so you won’t get lost and we will be glad to have you join us!

Were You A Spammy Spammerson? How to Re-Brand and Get New Followers- Read Here

Even with all the tips here you may still struggle to actually produce content because you can’t think of what to write about. I wrote a blog post a few weeks back and in it I shared 20 different Social media posts you can use for engagement. These posts can easily be turned into blog topics. Check out the blog and download it’s free resource.

Did you get some value from this lesson on how to re-purpose content? Each week I pour my heart and soul into giving you amazing value to help you create your best life. I hope this gave you value. If it did please like comment and share. Monday’s I post a new Motivational post and free resource on my blog. Tuesday’s I give you amazing Team Building Tips Live on my Facebook page so stay connected.

Be You Unapologetically Because You Are The Only You… drop a comment below.

You are a Rock Star!

Question of the week: What re-purpose content method shown here do you plan on using first?

Share in the comments below because I’d love to know!

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Originally published at on December 17, 2018.



Franchesca Macelli
I Am Butterfly Bound- Social Media Tips To Live By

Owner of The Good Wives' Network streaming on Roku, Amazon TV, & Android TV. Founder of Stop the Cycle Of Abuse Program a nonprofit dedicated to preventing IPV.