The Secret to Growing Your Blog with Tailwind for Pinterest

Tailwind for Pinterest is my favorite Pinterest Tool. It allows me to schedule my pins so that I’m not wasting valuable time constantly pinning content. I started using it just a few months ago and my blog traffic became insane.

If you want to grow your blog with Pinterest you have to be active. That means pinning every day on a consistent basis. You can’t throw out some pins once or twice a week and expect to grow your engagement and traffic.

I’m a busy mom and entrepreneur so finding time to sit down and pin 20 to 30 things a day can be hard. That’s where Tailwind comes in. You can sit down once or twice a week and schedule all your pins using Tailwind and call it a day. You’ll feel great that one social media site is pretty much on autopilot. And the best thing is you can try it out for Free. Follow this link and get a Free Trial of Tailwind.

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Tailwind for Pinterest- Why Use a Pinterest Scheduler

Like I said above I’m a busy mom and entrepreneur and I don’t have time to spend hours scrolling any social media platform. And trust me Pinterest is one of those dark rabbit holes you can quickly end up in a 3-hour pinning spree and not even know it.

Before I used a scheduler I was not consistent in my pinning. I would hop on whenever I thought about it and pin a few things. I wasn’t seeing any results and I felt like I was wasting time. And guess what? I was.

Now, with Tailwind I’m able to sit down on Sunday’s right after I write my blog and schedule all the fins for the week. It takes me maybe an hour or two (because I’m really picky about what I pin). It’s saved me countless hours of effort and it’s grown my Pinterest monthly views from a measly 500 to 80K in less than 2 months.

Tailwind for Pinterest- How to Use the Tailwind Scheduler

Using Tailwind is so simple. It even does all the work for you in creating the schedule. All you have to do is plug in how many daily pins you want to use and it creates a schedule calculating the best time slots.

Once you have the schedule created all you have to do is select your pins. Add the Tailwind app to your Browser. Once you’ve installed this all you need to do is head to your main feed.

Once you are in the Pinterest app you will see a little schedule button as you scroll over each pin. Click on them and you’ll be taken to a page where you can schedule it right away or it can be scheduled for later.

Tailwind for Pinterest- Batching Pins

You can even schedule your pins to hit the same board quickly. All you do is click on Add pins to all boards. It will add the pins you selected to the board you selected and this saves you time again.

You can choose multiple boards with this feature too or you can choose one board for all of them and then manually select other boards to add one or two pins to as well.

Tailwind for Pinterest- Board Lists

Another amazing feature is the ability to create Board Lists. This is a list of specific boards that you typically post the same pins to.

Let’s say you find a pin on branding. You might want to add it to a branding board and a social media board and possibly network marketing board. You can create a list of those three boards and in one click.

Tailwind for Pinterest- Tailwind Tribes

This is MY ALL TIME FAVORITE FEATURE of Tailwind. Similar to Pinterest group boards you join tribes of niche specific bloggers who can help promote your content.

Tribes work on the principle of the power of two. It’s all about reciprocation. You pin their niche specific pins and they pin yours. This works great with the idea of pinning 80% of other people’s relevant content and 20% of your own.

If you join the right Tribes you may never have to go to your main feed on Pinterest for content ever again. By using Tribes you reach your Tribe members audience too so you can get so many eyes on what you are posting.

Tailwind for Pinterest- In Conclusion

Tailwind has made my life so much easier and I’m all about work smarter not harder. I would have never been able to grow my reach as far and fast without utilizing Tailwind. And as a bonus, they’ve just added Tailwind for Instagram too and you can link it up with Facebook and Twitter. I can’t express how much it has helped.

Free Resource: Tailwind Posting Checklist

Don’t Forget It: Pin It

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help You Rock Your Biz

Tailwind- Get Free Month Here

Like I shared above Tailwind has grown the traffic to my blog wickedly fast. It’s easy and simple to use and gives you more time freedom.

I Am Butterfly Bound Mompreneur Group- Learn More

I’ve recently created my own mompreneur group where ambitious moms can come and lift each other up. We share ideas, tips, tools, and inspiration. It’s a small group so you won’t get lost and we will be glad to have you join us!

Other Relevant Blog Post- I’ve done a whole series on Pinterest. Check out these other blog posts.

Setting Up Pinterest for Business

5 Amazing Ideas To Improve Your Pin Design (Get More Clicks)

Pinterest Ranking: How to Rank First on Pinterest Every Time

Create Pinterest Content: Create a Month of Pins Using Only 3 Blog Posts

Did you get some value from this Tailwind for Pinterest training? Each week I pour my heart and soul into giving you amazing value to help you create your best life. I hope this gave you value. If it did please like comment and share. Monday’s I post a new Motivational post and free resource on my blog. Tuesday’s I give you amazing Team Building Tips Live on my Facebook page so stay connected.

Be Unapologetically You, Because You Are The Only You… drop a comment below.

Question of the week: How do you use Pinterest for growing your business?

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Originally published at on February 25, 2019.



Franchesca Macelli
I Am Butterfly Bound- Social Media Tips To Live By

Owner of The Good Wives' Network streaming on Roku, Amazon TV, & Android TV. Founder of Stop the Cycle Of Abuse Program a nonprofit dedicated to preventing IPV.