Time Management for Your Online Business: How I Get Stuff Done & Still Have a Life

So when I started in Network Marketing my upline told me with just 1 hour a day I could change my life. Were you sold this line too? I bet you were and you thought OMG yes I can do that. Then you joined the company and you quickly learned that 1 hr a day was the most unrealistic goal ever. I found myself doing between 7 and 10 hrs of work in the beginning and I thought dear God there has GOT to be a better way. I joined this company to have time freedom not to have no freedom of time. What I had was a serious case of horrible time management.

So I began looking for a plan. Something I could put in place and make the most impact and still be successful. I’ve been working out a plan for months and it took lot’s of trial and error but I finally feel like I have something that works and I’m here to pass on my secret Get Stuff Done and Still Have a Life routine to you.

Time Management- Part Time

First I have to say that if you are looking to do a part-time go of this you totally can but that hour or two you dedicate have to be just that dedicated. You have to show up every day and work it. Half-assing it won’t get you far. You have to choose your time allotment and commit to it. If you do that eventually you will have more and more time to not only dedicate to your business but you’ll also create time freedom too. No need to throw in the towel because I have good news for you… The key to success is not in having MORE hours in your day… … but in taking action on the RIGHT activities in your Network Marketing business And this is best done by having a daily method of operation that you commit to and follow.

Time Management- How to Get Started

I recently was introduced to this wonderful little tool called Seconds. You can download it in your app store. I use it to keep myself on track. It’s actually an interval timer, but I just plug my routine in there instead of exercises and have it keep me on track all day. In fact it’s running right now as I write this post lol. So this week I’m giving you my Daily Time Management Guide for Network Marketers. There are endless books and training on this subject but while you can learn new tasks to be organized you can’t extend the hours of a day. There are 24 hrs for you just like there are 24 for me. So what I did was find a way to make those hours work for me and count more by focusing on income producing activities first and then building a routine out from there.

Time Management- Create a Network Marketing Daily Schedule

So the very first thing I do in the day when I get up besides having my morning chocolate spoon of my Belly Fat Melter, and brush my teeth, with the first EWG verified non-toxic toothpaste, is I focus only on money making activities. I add 3–5 new people to my list a day as one of my activities.

Then I work on doing a curiosity post on Facebook and Instagram so people get interested and message me. I use both my FB Fan page and my personal profile but I highly recommend focusing on a FB Fan page because you can do so much with it.

And then in the evening I also block out 60 minutes for my income producing activities.

To see in detail exactly what I do in the morning and in the evening that gets me the most results you can download Daily Time Management Guide for Network Marketers. Inside that resource, you’ll see exactly what my time blocks and activities normally look like.

Time Management- How to Stay Committed

Here’s what I recommend:

✔Create a work environment free of distractions

✔Let your family, friends, and team know that during this time you will be unavailable.

✔Do whatever you gotta do to make sure you don’t get interrupted And the only thing you’re doing during these 60 minutes is exactly what’s on your list.

Here’s what you are NOT doing:

✔Watching funny cat videos

✔Listening to training

✔Reading a book

So when I’m doing these activities I’m not waiting for responses. I’m not Replying to messages or waiting for people to comment. I do the activities and I move on with the rest of the day.

These are activities I don’t do during this time: don’t answer people with questions, I don’t call my dad, I don’t deviate from what I’m doing because I know if I do then I won’t make the money I need to make to live my best life. I come back later and follow up and check in on comments and questions.

Time Management- When Life is Hectic or You Have a FullTime Job

It can be challenging to build your business on the side when you have a job or you’re raising a family. That type of demand requires commitment and focus so you can later have the freedom and time that you desire. But it’s possible. I promise you it is. It’s all about prioritizing and finding the moments you can do things and doing them every day. Lunch break work on that blog post or return calls. Kiddos are down for a nap make your FB posts for the week and schedule them out. It’s all about working smarter not harder. The number one success strategy I found to help me was to take a NO EXCUSES approach.

Time Management- In Closing

Adding more work to an already busy day seems counter-intuitive. But it really is just a temporary sacrifice that you’re making in order to live a better life with more freedom and time built into it. It will be hard but I can promise you it will be worth it. If you need even more help with getting your money making activities done every single day…then grab Daily Time Management Guide on my original blog post by clicking the purple button here.

It’s a free resource I created just for you to help you focus on the RIGHT activities that will help you create your best life faster.

Don’t Forget It: Pin It

Resources Mentioned & More That Will Help You Rock Your Biz

May contain affiliate links where if you click thru and make a purchase I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. It helps me keep things going here at I Am Butterfly Bound and it is greatly appreciated. I never promote things I don’t personally use and love.

You Are a Bad Ass Series of Books- Learn More

So you know that I love being a Bad Ass. This is the book that started all of that. A friend shared it with me and I threw it up on a shelf and ignored it for about a year. Then one night I was bored and frustrated in my life and business and I grabbed the book out of desperation and I couldn’t stop reading. Since then it’s become a series and I’m obsessed with it.

My Lead System Pro- Learn More

There was a time where I was struggling every day to grow my business. Where all I ever got were people who didn’t want what I was offering. I thought I’d never make it and I thought there had to be another way. I was shown a system that my mentor and friend, Tanya Aliza was a big part of. And it’s been invaluable. I now generate leads and prospects in my sleep. It has amazing training for all aspects of growing your business on all the different platforms. I’m happy to offer you a risk-free trial for only $10.00 It’s honestly been the best $10 I ever spent.

I Am Butterfly Bound Momprenuer Group- Learn More

I’ve recently created my own momprenuer group where ambitious moms can come and lift each other up. We share ideas, tips, tools, and inspiration. It’s a small group so you won’t get lost and we will be glad to have you join us!

Other Relevant Blog Posts-

Branding Yourself: What is Branding and Why is It Important? Is Your

Company Replicated Website a Good Idea? How I’m Going to Kick

Depressions Ass in 2019 with Positive Affirmations and a New Badass

Language! Were you a Spammy Spammerson? How to Re-brand and Get New Followers!

Did you get some value from this Daily Activity Time Management training? Each week I pour my heart and soul into giving you amazing value to help you create your best life. I hope this gave you value. If it did please like comment and share. Monday’s I post a new Motivational post and free resource on my blog. Tuesday’s I give you amazing Team Building Tips Live on my Facebook page so stay connected.

Be You Unapologetically Because You Are The Only You… drop a comment below.

You are a Bad Ass!

Question of the week: What will your daily time management look like? What’s going on your list? Share in the comments below because I’d love to know!

If You Found Value Please Share the Love

Originally published at iambutterflybound.com on October 15, 2018.



Franchesca Macelli
I Am Butterfly Bound- Social Media Tips To Live By

Owner of The Good Wives' Network streaming on Roku, Amazon TV, & Android TV. Founder of Stop the Cycle Of Abuse Program a nonprofit dedicated to preventing IPV.