This Could Be A Beautiful World

If you only really wanted it.

I Am Modern Revolution


There are things in this world that can’t be changed, mistakes that can’t be forgiven, lies that can’t be covered, there is any sort of evil, misuse and misunderstanding. Then, at the very end of it, there is you.

You are the key to your own happiness and therefore salvation: we are not created to suffer, God wants us to be happy and in love, to love and be loved in return. The universe wants us to be complete, to fit into the infinite loop Nature started ages ago, simple, perfect.
No matter where you live or where you come from, this could be a so much better world: you make decisions every day, make the good ones, and let your actions be an example for those who are lost.

Rome, Italy - Abandoned Mad House, Location Unknown

Entire nations waste their precious lives in order to chase a faulty, useless, consumerist and worthless existence: be the revolution in your heart, the inspiration to your friends’ decisions, the shelter your family relies on, the future your country never had. Be the first to make a change, be the first to notice that there is a lot going on heavily wrong.

Stop emulating, stop imitating, stop ignoring, stop hiding: surprise yourself every morning by making simple decisions who can make a difference in yours and others’ lives. Open your eyes, look up at the sky and feel the wind on your skin, look at love you receive like a child and forget who you are.

You don’t need to be a politician to change the world, you don’t need to be an artist to inspire, you don’t need to hide your fears to get rid of them: we are all part of the same plan.

Be one and unique, as you were meant to be.



I Am Modern Revolution

Being a musician and a producer doesn't make me any better