Adapting in Ever-Changing Environments with Parnaz Rad

Learnings from our conversations.

Archie MS
I am not from here
2 min readJul 28, 2021


I Am Not From Here podcast is about creatives designing their lives and careers in foreign countries. Each episode is two-part; the first is an episode with a creative migrant you can listen to wherever you listen to podcasts and the second is where you get to part take in the conversation on Clubhouse or Instagram live.

⬇ ️Listen to the episode⬇

My guest Parnaz Rad

is a future-oriented strategic thinker and leader invested in design and research for immersive tech. She has helped corporations and agencies for the past years to oversee future opportunities and prototypes for them. Nothing makes her feel joy more than telling stories that build empathy.

In our conversations

Parnaz shows us how to see the positive in the migrant journey and even de-risk choices that one might have to make along the way. Her perspective on adapting to obstacles along the journey to your end goal is a breath of fresh air amongst the many negative immigrant narratives. Here are some highlights from our conversations…

  1. Parnaz evaluates challenges and decisions based on how she feels regarding her options or her end goal and not how hard or easy it is going to be. She focuses on what she loves and does more of it along her journey.
  2. She sees achieving her visa as a goal rather than a battle. Changing the narrative of the migrant journey has helped her adapt quickly and without anxiety.
  3. By pushing herself to learn and experience new or distant realities, she has been able to evolve as a person and accept the different unknowns thrown her way.
  4. Lastly, she believes that an end goal can also hold you back because it implies that the journey ends there. And just maybe you could be bigger and better.

Parnaz’s take on this topic is a positive one. She values these obstacles as chances for growth and learning.

👋🏽 Until the next episode!
Hint: it is about responsible citizenship.


Parnaz’s Instagram

Potato Party: Game on early access, a fun asymmetrical party game in VR and mobile.

Want to share your story, be a speaker on an episode, collaborate or have an idea reach out via Instagram.

