Responsible Citizenship with Alejandro Juarez and Miguel Lobato

Learnings from our conversations.

Archie MS
I am not from here
2 min readSep 2, 2021


I Am Not From Here podcast is about creatives designing their lives and careers in foreign countries. Each episode is two-part; the first is an episode with a creative migrant you can listen to wherever you listen to podcasts and the second is where you get to part take in the conversation on Clubhouse or Instagram live.

⬇ ️Listen to the episode⬇

My guests Alejandro Juarez,

a Mexican Product Designer based in Berlin with experience in furniture design and teaching. In his free time he records music and goes on climbing trips.

and Miguel Lobato,

another Mexican Product Designer living in Germany. He is passionate about drawing stories and being a creative entrepreneur.

In our conversations

we defined what responsible citizenship means to us through our expereinces as migrants stranded between the country we are living in and the country we are born in. We recognized that the term citizenship implied an attachment to a geographical location, once we removed this boundary we were able to explore multiple ways to be a responsible migrant by harnessing creativity to express ourselves.

Each of us had a takeaway from all our conversations.

  1. Being a responsible citizen comes from your authenticity and perspective. How you want to transform that is completely your choice.
  2. Responsible citizen = responsible person. A migrant is stranded between the country they live in and the country they are from which can be alienating. Removing the association of geographical boundaries from the term citizen changes the meaning of responsible citizenship. To stop feeling like an alien, focus on taking care of your house which will eventually spread to the community you have. A new or old expat can have an impact.

A fit body, a calm mind, and a house full of love. these things cannot be bought, they must be earned — NAVAL RAVIKANT

3. Do not be afraid to speak up or worry about not being heard. By not speaking up we are leaving ourselves out of the econversation.

👋🏽 Until the next episode!
Hint: it is about Unspoken Expectations


Find Alejandro on Twitter and see what he does on his website.

Find Miguel on …
- Twitter to read his daily thoughts
- Instagram to look at his Doodles
- Medium to read his rhetoric rambles
- LinkedIn to look at his professional accomplishments
- Avatars in action to join his community of visual storytellers

Want to share your story, be a speaker on an episode, collaborate or have an idea reach out via Instagram.

