Get ready for Indie Author Fringe 2017!

I_AM Self-Publishing
I_AM Self-Publishing
3 min readMay 23, 2017

What is Indie Author Fringe?

Indie Author Fringe is an online conference for self-publishing authors, organised 3 times a year by Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi). ALLi brings together the most up-to-date self-publishing education and information available and broadcasts it to authors everywhere.

Running 24 completely FREE sessions over 24 continuous hours allows authors round the globe to attend live sessions, no matter where they’re located. (But don’t worry, we don’t expect you to stay up all night! You can always catch up later or replay any parts you want to watch again.) These sessions are run by self-publishing gurus and bestselling self-published authors — so you will certainly learn a lot of useful tips and tricks when it comes to how to self-publish really professionally.

Over the course of the year, they take authors across all stages of the author-publishing journey: writing, editorial, design, production, distribution, sales, marketing, rights licensing, money matters and living the indie author life. This time, the focus is on how to sell more books — one of the biggest challenges for any self-published author today.

Ali Dewji’s session at the Indie Author Fringe: Sat 3rd June

Not only are we very proud to sponsor Indie Author Fringe, our very own marketing director, Ali Dewji, will be running an unmissable event for any author wanting to boost sales without marketing taking over their life. Join him on Saturday 3rd June for:

Stop Wasting Time and Money on Marketing That Doesn’t Work

Frustrated by a lack of marketing results? Overwhelmed and not sure where to start or what will work for you? You are not alone. I’ve seen many well-meaning authors waste time and resources keeping busy but getting nowhere when it comes to marketing. Even authors with a marketing plan can end up targeting the wrong people with the wrong message or having the wrong offer in the wrong place.

In this session, I’ll show you how to avoid wasting your energy and budget on things that don’t result in book sales, and teach you how to stay focused with my proven T.R.A.C.K. book marketing system.”


  • Learn the impact that research and targeting has on your marketing plan, and where most authors go wrong
  • Discover the vital components of an efficient author marketing plan, so selling books doesn’t take over your life
  • Assess which marketing activities are most likely to attract your readers and convert them into loyal fans
  • Avoid classic author marketing pitfalls that waste your time, energy and budget


As part of the Indie Author Fringe, we are running a very special competition. The winner will get Ali for an hour! A 1:1 is up for grabs, where you can get individual and tailored feedback on your current marketing activities and advice on how to build (or re-build) your marketing plan, as well as the opportunity to discuss or ask any questions you have about self-publishing and author marketing. An invaluable session for any author (also worth $150).

Sessions can take place over Skype or in person. Find out more here.

See the full Indie Author Fringe line up here.

And make sure you sign up here.

We hope to see you there!



I_AM Self-Publishing
I_AM Self-Publishing

Expert professional self-publishing company for authors that want to get self-publishing right.