5 Steps to Superstar Status

Andrea Claudia


So you want to be a superstar huh?

If you look around, it seems like anything with the word “super” attached to it denotes an unearthly, unique and/or noteworthy status.

Whether it’s a SUPER-sized beverage or a SUPER hero in a movie, people are usually enticed by their mere existence.

Most believe that superstar status is hard to achieve. We are often taught that it is not for everyone.

But what does being a superstar mean exactly?

For some being a superstar is someone that does it all, and does it all well.

For another it may be all about a can-do attitude and perseverance.

Who’s not to say that a superstar can’t be:

  • The neighbor who regularly volunteers at the local school;
  • The business owner who offers his place of business as a hurricane shelter;
  • The person who keeps smiling while living with cancer; or even
  • Your dog who is by your side no matter what?

Superstardom is relative. It’s subjective.

And its value and expectations can change from one day to the next.

Still set on being a superstar?

Be a star first.

Give your best qualities the opportunity to shine. After all, you can’t be a “super” star without glimmer right?

Your shine is not for everyone.

Find those that will be able to “see” or “feel” your light.

A closed mind does not see much brightness, much less anything as “super.”

Make the “super” about you.

Discover, show and own your uniqueness. Give each assignment, project, interaction your own spark.

Confidence makes everything shine brighter.

Stay consistent and resilient.

People, events and circumstances will often try to obstruct your ability to shine.

There may come a time where your light will no longer be considered “super,” but rather expected or status quo.

Stay consistently you but be confident enough to adapt to the new norm.

Give without expecting anything in return.

Being a superstar is about shining for the sake of making things better (or giving things “light).

It’s not about the recognition, the money or the status.

A genuine superstar has inner drive that prompts him/her to act, think and feel the way they do.

Karma does exist.

If you give for the right reasons, life has a nice way of paying you back.

Anyone can be a superstar.

But not everyone will give themselves the chance to be one.

Superstardom is not about title, role or talent.

It’s about you caring enough for something that you’re willing to give 110 percent of yourself to it.

Be a superstar for you first and the rest will follow.

Be fearless. Own who you are and love it. Join our journey of empowerment by following us and/or sharing your story. Contact Andrea at andrea@sparkstory.co for more details.

Copyright 2017 Andrea Claudia All Rights Reserved



Andrea Claudia

Editor-in-Chief, WORTHY; Medium Top Writer: Inspiration & Leadership; Host, #DareToBe Twitter chat: Tuesdays 8 pm ET; Founder, www.sparkstory.co