Dear Online Troll, What Thrill Do You Get Belittling Others?

Andrea Claudia


I need help understanding a few things.

  1. What motivates you to get online simply to tear others down?

2. What thrill comes from posting hurtful words to the brave soul who is attempting to live stream on video?

3. What high do you get from sabotaging words of encouragement during a community-building Twitter chat?

4. And lastly, but most importantly, do you intentionally plan to do this each day?

I get it. You want attention.

Well so does everyone else.

The difference is they find solutions rather than create problems.

There are no shortcuts to feeling loved.

In fact, the first step is loving yourself.

To any bully or troll (the affectionate term for online haters) reading this, we are not asking you to like us.

We are asking you to go somewhere else if you don’t like what you see, hear or experience.

In fact I agree with you that I won’t be for everyone, just as you won’t be for everyone.

The key is to know who you are so you have a better sense of where you want to focus your most precious asset: time.

I have sympathy for you, as you must be incredibly bored (or lonely) that you purposely search for people or content to tear down.

At least that is what my perception is.

Wouldn’t it be more fun to do something that you’re passionate about?

I won’t pretend to understand your motives or your story.

But I do know that we’re all humans who crave connection.

Connection is impossible if you’re busy tearing down walls.

You have the potential to be liked, just stop trying so hard to stand out.

You already stand out just but being you.

On behalf of my friends, followers and colleagues, we don’t know your motives but we are intrigued to understand your story.

We’re hear to listen when you’re ready to be authentic.


Be fearless. Own who you are and love it. Join our journey of empowerment by following us and/or sharing your story. Contact Andrea at for more details.

Copyright 2017 Andrea Claudia All Rights Reserved



Andrea Claudia

Editor-in-Chief, WORTHY; Medium Top Writer: Inspiration & Leadership; Host, #DareToBe Twitter chat: Tuesdays 8 pm ET; Founder,