Don’t Underestimate Me Because I’m Quiet

Andrea Claudia
Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2017


I may be quiet but I’m not shy.

I’m also not snooty.

I like to have fun and laugh, just like any other person.

Don’t let my silence fool you, as I understand more than you think.

Inside my head I am noisy beyond belief.

I may be quiet but I still care.

I am not slow. I like to take my time to think things through.

I don’t talk to just talk, I talk when I have something to say.

I am not disengaged.

I am actually more engaged than you think.

Observing every little nuance and nonverbal signal that tells me more than your words can say.

I may be quiet but I’m told I’m a great leader.

I listen to understand, not to respond.

I will invest my time to truly understand behaviors and motivations.

I respect solitude and alone time as much as I respect a good brainstorming session.

To me, ROI is a byproduct of solid relationship building efforts.

I may be quiet but I will make a loud impact.

I believe in my worth.

I don’t need approval to follow my dreams, as I have been thinking about them for a long time.

I can see the big picture.

I am already a step ahead while others are still talking.

If others wish to define me, that is on them.

If being loud defines you, own it.

If being funny defines you, wear it proudly.

If being sarcastic defines you, don’t let other change you.

So next time you’re in that conference room, let others know beforehand that your lack of speaking does not imply lack of interest.

Give them a heads up that your sarcasm is a way to break the ice through difficult topics and that your jokes are a way to keep people engaged.

Education is the key to understanding.

Get in front of judgment and to your surprise, labels will start to disappear.

Introvert or extrovert, I am me. You are you.

And that’s ok.

Be fearless. Own who you are and love it. Join our journey of empowerment by following us and/or sharing your story. Contact Andrea at for more details.

Copyright 2017 Andrea Claudia All Rights Reserved



Andrea Claudia

Editor-in-Chief, WORTHY; Medium Top Writer: Inspiration & Leadership; Host, #DareToBe Twitter chat: Tuesdays 8 pm ET; Founder,