I Know What You’re Thinking. Let Me Write About It.

Andrea Claudia
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1 min readFeb 9, 2018

Dear friends of WORTHY,

Per my latest post, I would be a complete hypocrite if I did not THANK YOU for your kindness and claps this past week. It seems like you truly connect with those human, real and raw topics.

After all, someone has to address “the elephant” in our heads right?!?

Hold on because we’re just getting started…

Weekly Shout Out:

Welcome new WORTHY writers!

K.C. Healy: Reinventing. Improving. Learning. Writing to figure out my place in the universe.

Nick Maccarone: I’m a teacher, writer, and filmmaker. My mission is to empower through stories and insights. https://www.nickmaccarone.com/inspire

Didn’t see your name above?

I want WORTHY to be a hub for all stories that define the joys of being human.

Have you shared your story yet?

Ping me to get started!

*If you’d like to catapult your exposure on Medium, I highly recommend the Medium Mastery course. It is taught by the best of the best, Tom Kuegler. I am an example of how it can truly give your writing the voice you’ve been waiting for.

Until next time,




Andrea Claudia

Editor-in-Chief, WORTHY; Medium Top Writer: Inspiration & Leadership; Host, #DareToBe Twitter chat: Tuesdays 8 pm ET; Founder, www.sparkstory.co